
A simple hexo theme forked from icylogic.

Primary LanguageCSS


A simple Hexo template with great performance on different devices, ported from a Typecho theme by Cho, forked and modified from icylogic.

template preview


  • Install theme and renderers:
git clone https://github.com/tufu9441/maupassant-hexo.git themes/maupassant
npm install hexo-renderer-sass --save
npm install hexo-renderer-jade --save
  • Edit _config.yml in hexo root, change theme to maupassant.

Probable solutions

  • Check if your Terminal's current directory is in hexo's root directory which contains source/, themes/, etc.

  • Feel free to open an issue.


  • You can set a favicon.ico for your website, please put it into /source folder of hexo directory, recommended size: 32px*32px.

  • You can add a website logo for apple devices, please put an image named apple-touch-icon.png into /source folder of hexo directory, recommended size: 114px*114px.

  • You can set your friendly links in /themes/maupassant/layout/base.jade like this:

   .widget-title= __('blogroll')
   ul: != link_to('http://example1.com/', 'site-name 1', {external: true})
   ul: != link_to('http://example2.com/', 'site-name 2', {external: true})
   ul: != link_to('http://example3.com/', 'site-name 3', {external: true})
  • If you want to use the theme's own highlighted code showcase, please set the highlight option in /_config.yml of hexo directory like this:
  enable: false
  line_number: false
  • To customize pages, after creating new folders including index.md in /source, don't forget to add corresponding contents in /themes/maupassant/layout/base.jade:
        +a_with_current(config.root, __('home'))
        +a_with_current(config.archive_dir, __('archive')) 
        +a_with_current(config.about_dir, __('about'))
        +a_with_current(config.feed.path, __('rss'))

and /_config.yml of hexo directory. Just follow the format of existing items.

    # Directory
    source_dir: source
    public_dir: public
    tag_dir: tags
    category_dir: categories
    archive_dir: archives/
    about_dir: about/
    code_dir: downloads/code
    i18n_dir: :lang
  • If you want to disable the fancybox effect on certain images, please add a "nofancybox" class to them.

Maupassant on other platforms: