不适合用于 Windows 用户,Windows CMD终端不支持 Unicode,只支持特定语言, 比如**用户,在 CMD 上一般只支微软的 CP936
此项目在开发阶段,经常会添加新功能,但不会经常发布到 npm 上,所以请使用源代码来安装,可执行下面的脚本:
git clone git@github.com:qiu8310/ccode.git && cd ccode && npm link
安装完后可以使用 ccode -h
- 整合 iconv-lite
- 整合 pinyin(方法:抓取了 艺术** 中的所有汉字拼音和五笔)
- Unicode 里有重复的汉字 CJK Compatibility Ideographs 和 CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement 区块里的都是重复的
- 生成日历,风格参考: http://artx.cn/nongli/2017-10-20.28.html
- 一整套字符相关的工具
- 输出文件夹的目录结构
- 生成 html/css 的编码相关的测试页面
- ᄁ 这个字符是由三个字符组成的,而每个字符单独都有宽度,需要判断哪些字符可以自动组合
- 查看单个字符的 Unicode 及编码相关的信息
表示当前字符在此终端上的宽度 - 查看 Unicode 字符的区块(Unicode 将所有字符划分成了 262 个区块)
- 查看所有支持的编码信息(主要用了 iconv-lite 所支持的编码)
- 查看编程语言中的操作符的优先级(目前只支持
) 提示: 在 Mac 系统上,可以按住CMD
Code points are usually formatted as hexadecimal numbers, zero-padded up to at least four digits, with a U+ prefix.
The possible code point values range from U+0000 to U+10FFFF. That’s over 1.1 million possible symbols. To keep things organised, Unicode divides this range of code points into 17 planes that consist of about 65 thousand code points each.
The first plane (U+0000 → U+FFFF) and is called the Basic Multilingual Plane or BMP, and it’s probably the most important one, as it contains all the most commonly used symbols. Most of the time you don’t need any code points outside of the BMP for text documents in English. Just like any other Unicode plane, it groups about 65 thousand symbols.
That leaves us about 1 million other code points (U+010000 → U+10FFFF) that live outside the BMP. The planes these code points belong to are called supplementary planes, or astral planes.
Astral code points are pretty easy to recognize: if you need more than 4 hexadecimal digits to represent the code point, it’s an astral code point.
转自 https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-unicode#unicode-basics
- Unicode 的所有字符:http://unicode-table.com/en
- Unicode 官方提供的编码相关的数据:http://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/
- Windows Code Page 编码相关的数据:http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/
- 本程序内部使用到的数据链接:src/lib/resource.jsx