
Read and Process Multimodal Emotion and Recognition Data

Primary LanguagePython

Read and Process Multimodal Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Recognition Data

Contributor: Qiuchi Li

Instructions to run the code

For a single function

  1. Set up the configurations in config/config_of_the_run.ini
  2. python run.py -config config/config_of_the_run.ini

For processing CMU-Multimodal SDK data

  1. python run.py -config config/download.ini (Data download)
  2. python run.py -config config/align.ini (Data alignment)
  3. python run.py -config config/extract_cmusdk.ini (Extract data to pickle file)

For processing Conv-Emotion data

  1. Download data from https://github.com/declare-lab/conv-emotion
  2. python run.py -config config/pretrain_visual.ini (Optional, pretrain visual features, only for MELD)
  3. python run.py -config config/add_act.ini (Optional, adding dialogue act annotations)
  4. python run.py -config config/extract_conv_emotion.ini (Extract data to pickle file)

Configuration setup

Adding dialogue act to the dataset (For dialogue datasets)

  • python run.py -config config/add_act.ini
  • mode = add_act.
  • dataset_name in {'meld','iemocap'}. Name of the dataset.
  • in_path. Pickle file storing the original data (with no act information).
  • out_path. Path storing the output pickle data (with act information).
  • act_annotation_path. CSV file storing the dialogue act annotations.

Aligning multimodel sequence (For monologue datasets, CMU-MultimodalSDK Utility)

  • python run.py -config config/align.ini
  • mode = align.
  • dataset_name in {'cmumosei','cmumosi','iemocap'}. Name of the dataset.
  • dataset_type = multimodal.
  • datasets_dir. Path storing all the datasets.
  • align_function = avg. Alignment function. Only average is supported for the moment.
  • modality in {'acoustic', 'visual', 'textual'}. The pivot modality for alignment. Other modalities will be aligned to this modality.
  • align_output_dir. Output directory storing the aligned features. Must be an existing path.

Download CMU-MultimodalSDK datasets (CMU-MultimodalSDK Utility)

  • python run.py -config config/download.ini
  • mode = download.
  • dataset_name in {'cmumosei','cmumosi','iemocap'}. Name of the dataset.
  • datasets_dir. Path where the dataset will be stored.

Extracting CMU-MultimodalSDK dataset to pickle file

  • python run.py -config config/extract_cmusdk.ini
  • mode = extract_cmusdk.
  • datasets_dir. Path storing all the datasets.
  • data_aligned in {'True', 'False'}. Whether the data is in an aligned format.
  • data_dir. Name of the folder storing the dataset in CMU-MultimodalSDK format.
  • dataset_type = multimodal.
  • dataset_name in {'cmumosei','cmumosi','iemocap'}. Name of the dataset.
  • label = sentiment.
  • max_seq_len. Length of a multimodal sequence. Zero-padding shorter sequence and truncating longer sequence.
  • The output pickle file will be self.datasets_dir/cmusdk_data/{'self.dataset_name'}_{'self.label'}.pkl

Extracting dialogue datasets in https://github.com/declare-lab/conv-emotion to pickle file

  • python run.py -config config/extract_conv_emotion.ini
  • mode = extract_conv_emotion.
  • in_path. Pickle file storing the original data in Conv-Emotion format.
  • out_path. Path storing the output pickle data.
  • dataset_name in {'meld','iemocap'}. Name of the dataset.
  • max_seq_len. Length of a multimodal sequence. Zero-padding shorter sequence and truncating longer sequence.

Pretraining Visual Features for MELD

  • python run.py -config config/pretrain_visual.ini
  • mode = extract_raw_feature.
  • file_path. Pickle file storing the original data in Conv-Emotion format.
  • stored_path. Folder of pickle files storing video clip data.
  • videos_dir. Folder storing raw MELD video clips.
  • output_path. Path storing the output data with pre-trained visual features, in Conv-Emotion format.
  • Other network configurations.