
Conversational Multimodal Emotion Recognition

Primary LanguagePython

Instructions to run the code

Download the datasets

Do A Single Run (train/valid/test)

  1. Set up the configurations in config/run.ini
  2. python run.py -config config/run.ini

Configuration setup

  • Dialogue
    • mode = run
    • pickle_dir_path = /path/to/datasets/. The absolute path of the folder storing the datasets.
    • wordvec_path = /path/to/glove_embedding/. The path of the glove embedding file.
    • dataset_name in {'iemocap','meld','avec'}. Name of the dataset.
    • features in {'acoustic','visual','textual'}. Multiple modality names should be joined by ','.
    • label = emotion. Only emotion recognition is supported for the time being.
    • dialogue_context in {'True','False'}. Whether the data is converted to context + current utterance format (the context of a certain length is extracted for each utterance in the dialogue).
    • context_len. Length of the context. Requires dialogue_context = True.
    • seed. The random seed for the experiment.
    • load_model_from_dir in {'True','False'}. Whether the model is loaded from a saved file.
    • dir_name. The directory storing the model configurations and model parameters. Requires load_model_from_dir = True.
    • fine_tune in `{'True','False'}. Whether you want to train the model with the data.
    • model specific parameters. For running a model on the dataset, uncomment the respective area of the model and comment the areas for the other models. Please refer to the model implementations in /models/dialogue/ for the meaning of each model specific parameter.
      • supported models include but are not limited to:
        • BC-LSTM
        • CMN
        • ICON
        • DialogueRNN
        • DialogueGCN
        • Multimodal-Transformer
        • EF-LSTM
        • LF-LSTM
        • TFN
        • MFN
        • MARN
        • RMFN
        • LMF
        • Vanilla-LSTHM
        • QMN (QMNN)
      • Each model is only compatible with dialogue_context = True or dialogue_context = False. For this information, please see the respective block for each model.

Grid Search for the Best Parameters

  1. Set up the configurations in config/grid_search.ini. Tweak a couple of fields in the single run configurations, as instructed below.
  2. Write up the hyperparameter pool in config/grid_parameters/.
  3. python run.py -config config/grid_search.ini

Configuration setup

  • mode = run_grid_search
  • grid_parameters_file. The name of file storing the parameters to be searched, under the folder /config/grid_parameters.
    • the format of a file is:
      • [COMMON]
      • var_1 = val_1;val_2;val_3
      • var_2 = val_1;val_2;val_3
  • search_times. The number of times the program searches in the pool of parameters.
  • output_file. The file storing the performances for each search in the pool of parameters. By default, it is eval/grid_search_{dataset_name}_{network_type}.csv