
A Python class that finds arrow from Raspberry Pi camara

Primary LanguagePython


A Python module that finds arrow from Raspberry Pi camara


For example, using this module from a script main.py under the folder containing this module:

import cv2
from ArrowFinder import ArrowFinder

# Create ArrowFinder object
af = ArrowFinder()

# Using getArrows method to capture image and detect arrows
# The withImage argument defaults to False, in which case the image 
# with bounding box and label won't be generated and returned.
result = af.getArrows(withImage=True)

# Obtaining the arrows detected
arrows = result['arrows']
print(arrows) # [{'box': (919, 595, 277, 279), 'dir': 'ARROW_LEFT'}]

# Displaying the image with bounding box and label
im = result['image']
cv2.imshow("Img", im)

Dependencies & Setup

This module makes use of CV related algorithms in OpenCV.

To setup OpenCV, run the following command:

sudo bash setup.sh

when the text editor pops up for the first time, change the CONF_SWAPSIZE line to be CONF_SWAPSIZE=1024. When it pops up for the second time, change the same line to the original value.

Python library used in this module can be found in requirements.txt, they can be installed with

pip install -r requirements.txt