WebSSH allows you to SSH to your remote host anytime, anywhere.

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


WebSSH allows you to SSH to your remote host anytime, anywhere.

Demonstrate Page

Check https://webssh.azurewebsites.net, you can use any login name and password to logged in.



Input the user name and password and captcha to login, user name and password configured in appsettings.json


Mangement Connection

Mangement Connection

Connected To Server, Running Command

Press connected button, connected to remote server, running whatever command you want.

Go to management page, will list all available connected servers.


  1. Multi lines command
  2. Recall command, in single line mode, press arrow up and down can switch command from history
  3. Press "ctrl + c" can run command "^C", support "ctrl + [a-z]"

Connected & Running Command

Run & Recall Command

Deployment Via Docker

Running your server at port 8070, config the password "your_password" to your own.

docker pull qiuhaotc/webssh
docker run -d --name webssh -p 8070:8080 -e ShellConfiguration__Users__0__Password="your_password" --restart=always qiuhaotc/webssh


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