The implement of An Unsupervised Short- and Long-Term Mask Representation for Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection

Primary LanguagePython


paper in arixv


Anomaly detection of multivariate time series is meaningful for system behavior monitoring. This paper proposes an anomaly detection method based on unsupervised Short- and Long-term Mask Representation learning (SLMR). The main idea is to extract short-term local dependency patterns and long-term global trend patterns of the multivariate time series by using multi-scale residual dilated convolution and Gated Recurrent Unit(GRU) respectively. Furthermore, our approach can comprehend temporal contexts and feature correlations by combining spatial-temporal masked self-supervised representation learning and sequence split. It considers the importance of features is different, and we introduce the attention mechanism to adjust the contribution of each feature. Finally, a forecasting-based model and a reconstruction-based model are integrated to focus on single timestamp prediction and latent representation of time series. Experiments show that the performance of our method outperforms other state-of-the-art models on three real-world datasets. Further analysis shows that our method is good at interpretability.

Model Overview


Geting Started

To clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/qiumiao30/SLMR.git && cd SLMR

1. get data

2. Install Dependencies(Recomend Virtualenv)

  • python>=3.7
  • torch>=1.9
pip install -r requirements.txt

3. dataset preprocess

python preprocess.py --dataset $dataset_name$

$dataset$ is one of SWAT, MSL, SMAP et al.

for example:

python preprocess.py --dataset swat

4. Params

  • --dataset : default "swat".
  • --lookback : Windows size, default 10.
  • --normalize : Whether to normalize, default True.
  • --epochs : default 10
  • --bs : Batch Size, default 256
  • --init_lr : init learning rate, default 1e-3
  • --val_split : val dataset, default 0.1
  • --dropout : 0.3

5. run

python train.py --Params "value" --Parmas "value" ......

6. visualization



  1. Other Advanced Methods


author="Miao, Qiucheng
and Xu, Chuanfu
and Zhan, Jun
and Zhu, Dong
and Wu, Chengkun",
title="An Unsupervised Short- and Long-Term Mask Representation for Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection",
booktitle="Neural Information Processing",
publisher="Springer Nature Singapore",