
this is a simulation of double pendulum

Primary LanguageC++


What is Yu

Yu is a simulation of double pendulum.You can play with it for fun.Hope you like it.




Yu is created by Qt+OpenGL+GSL.Basicall you can use it on most computer system. by compiling source.There are two kinds of binary distribtions are already compiled.

window x86_64 download

debian x86_64 download

Simple Guide

1.you can input 14 parameters in a sensible range, and then you hit start key.

2.before you hit start key to simulation, please make sure you hit stop key first.

3.darker the path is,where the ball is slower.

4.F10 is the shortcut key for fullscreen.

5.you can slide the slider to be the moment you want,after you hit pause key.

6.mouse left is spinning around th look-At point.mouse middle is changing distance beteween viewer and look-At point.mouse right is changing look-At point from viewer.


To compile the src,all you need to do is preinstall Qt5+OpenGL+GSL(GNU Scientific Library). This program is edited and compiled by Qt Creator.


Yu is totally free.You do not need to responsible for anything! If you are interested in double pendulum,you can develop it and make it greater.If you want to discuss Yu with the author,please email via 2298096612@qq.com.