
Packing scripts for unrealcv

Primary LanguagePython


Packing scripts for unrealcv

Build configuration is documented in here. https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Programming/Development/BuildConfigurations/


The task of this repository is defined as json files. See the schema file for the json in task.schema, see an example in playground_UE414.json. Run python validate_task.py [Name].json to see whether the json is in a correct format.

This repository is used to support the testing of multiple versions of UE4 and UnrealCV.

Packaging scripts for UnrealCV


python run_task.py tasks/Linux_UE414/unrealcv.json to build unrealcv with vanilla UE4.

python run_task.py tasks/Docker/unrealcv.json


  1. build-unrealcv - Build UnrealCV plugin binary
  2. package - Install plugin and create a game binary
  • linux/ # Packaging scripts for linux

    • docker/

      • build-ue4.sh # Linux requires the compilation of UE4 from code
      • build-rr-image.sh
      • build-unrealcv.sh
      • package.sh
      • run-editor.sh
  • windows/ # Packaging scripts for windows

    • build-unrealcv.bat
    • package.bat
  • mac/ # Packaging scripts for mac, might be redundant as the linux version

    • build-unrealcv.sh
    • package.sh
  • common/ # Functions shared

    • build-conf.py # Get the plugin configuration information
  • repos/ # Clone Unreal projects to local disk

  • test/ # Script to download a binary for testing.

  • docs/ # Documentation for this repository


  1. Download and put uproject into uproject folder. Packaged binaries will be saved to the uproject folder.

  2. Clone UnrealCV

git clone https://github.com/unrealcv/unrealcv.git


  1. Compile UnrealEngine from source code

git clone -b 4.14 https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine.git

sh linux/docker/build-ue4.sh

  1. Build UnrealCV

sh linux/docker/build-unrealcv.sh

  1. Package uproject (make sure update the UnrealCV version)

sh linux/docker/package.sh repos/[ProjectFolder]/[ProjectName].uproject

Packaging Docker Image

Docker image of RealisticRendering is provided, but nvidia-docker is only supported in Linux.

Package docker image. Run this to build the newest image and also push the image to Dockerhub.

sh linux/docker/build-rr-image.sh


  1. Build UnrealCV

sh mac/build-unrealcv.sh

  1. Package uproject

sh mac/package.sh repos/[ProjectFolder]/[ProjectName].uproject


  1. Build UnrealCV

sh windows/build-unrealcv.sh

  1. Package uproject

sh mac/package.sh repos/[ProjectFolder]/[ProjectName].uproject

Run test for checking binaries

Run setup.sh in model-zoo-test to download the binary.

I can use a base docker image to run the binary, which is easier to control.

Make sure I have a copy of unrealcv code I can use.

A few things to check.

  1. Whether it crashes? Whether it can connect successfully? -. Whether the object mask is clearly generated. -. Whether the object mask aligns well with the image. -. Whether all materials are correctly displayed?