
Performance Benchmark of top Github languages

Primary LanguageRuby

Recursive Fibonacci Benchmark using top languages on Github

Top 10: JavaScript, Java, Python, Ruby, Php, C++, C#, C, Go reference

Others: Crystal, Rust, Swift, Mono, Elixir, Perl, R, Julia, D, Nim, Pascal, Fortran, Cython, Pony, OCaml, Lisp, Haskell, Erlang, Escript, Dart, Clojure, Scheme, Lua, Python3, Perl, Perl6, Bash, Emoji

The code performs a recursive fibonacci to the 46th position with the result of 2,971,215,073. This is the original version where the sequence starts at 1 instead of 0. 1,1,2,3,5,8...

Fibonacci can be written many different ways. The goal of this project is to compare how each language handles the exact same code.

Here is the Ruby version:

def fib(n)
  return 1 if n <= 1
  fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

puts fib(46)

Here is the Crystal version:

def fib(n : UInt64)
  return 1_u64 if n <= 1
  fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

puts fib(46)

All tests are run on:

  • MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015)
  • Processor: 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7
  • Memory: 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
  • OS: macOS Mojave 10.14.5
  • Docker Container:
  • Docker Image: ubuntu:18.04

You can run the tests using Docker: docker run -it drujensen/fib

Last benchmark was ran on June 12, 2019

Natively compiled, statically typed

Language Time, s Compile Run
Nim 0.429 nim cpp -d:release fib.nim time ./fib
C++ 3.856 g++ -O3 -o fib fib.cpp time ./fib
C 3.881 gcc -O3 -o fib fib.c time ./fib
Fortran 3.889 gfortran -O3 -o fib fib.f03 time ./fib
Cython 4.147 cython --embed -o fib.pyx.c fib.pyx && gcc -O3 -o fib fib.pyx.c time ./fib
D 5.274 ldc2 -O3 -release -flto=full -of=fib fib.d time ./fib
Pony 5.806 ponyc -s -b fib -p ./fib.pony time ./fib
Rust 5.812 rustc -C opt-level=s fib.rs time ./fib
Crystal 5.817 crystal build --release fib.cr time ./fib
Swift 6.483 swiftc -O -g fib.swift time ./fib
OCaml 7.831 ocamlopt -O3 -o fib fib.ml time ./fib
Pascal 9.269 fpc -O3 ./fib.pas time ./fib
Go 11.390 go build fib.go time ./fib
Lisp 13.290 sbcl --load fib.lisp time ./fib
Haskell 23.700 ghc -O3 -o fib fib.hs time ./fib

VM compiled bytecode, statically typed

Language Time, s Compile Run
Java 7.070 javac Fib.java time java Fib
C# 10.628 dotnet build -c Release -o ./bin time dotnet ./bin/fib.dll
C# (Mono) 13.809 mcs Fib.cs time mono Fib.exe
Erlang 14.213 erlc +native +'{hipe,[o3]}' fib.erl time erl -noinput -noshell -s fib

VM compiled before execution, mixed/dynamically typed

Language Time, s Run
Dart 9.716 time dart fib.dart
Julia 10.716 time julia -O3 fib.jl
Escript 14.647 time escript fib.es
Lua Jit 15.470 time luajit fib.lua
Node 22.036 time node fib.js
Elixir 23.190 time elixir fib.exs
Clojure 27.719 time clojure fib.cljc
  • Elixir is using ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS='[native,{hipe, [o3]}]'

NOTE: These languages include compilation time which should be taken into consideration when comparing.

Interpreted, dynamically typed

Language Time, s Run
Php 161.610 time php fib.php
Scheme 221.163 time guile fib.scm
Ruby 260.350 time ruby fib.rb
Lua 460.107 time lua fib.lua
Python3 657.607 time python3 fib.py
Python 675.068 time python fib.py
Perl 1663.980 time perl fib.pl
Tcl 1957.335 time tclsh fib.tcl
Perl 6 5419.500 time perl6 fib.p6
K DNF time k fib.k
R DNF time r -f fib.r
Bash DNF time bash fib.sh
PowerShell DNF time pwsh fib.ps1

NOTE: Interpreted languages have a startup time cost that should be taken into consideration when comparing.

Optimized code that breaks the benchmark

The code examples provided in the optimized folder use techniques that break the benchmark. They do not perform the same internal tasks as the other examples so are not a good for an apples to apples comparison. They all perform at sub-second response times. It demonstrates that all benchmarks will have some caveat.

Several of these examples add very little changes to the original code that are worth mentioning:

  • The C++ constexpr is using a constexpr which optimizes the recursive call to a constant.
  • The Lisp compiletime shows how you can perform the calculation at compile time. simply add #. before outputing the results.
  • The Python lru_cache is using lru_cache directive with no code changes.
  • The Ruby mem, Crystal mem and JS mem are maintaining a simple cache to avoid recalculating the results for that value.

For the fun of it, here are the benchmarks for the optimized versions

Last benchmark was ran on November 30, 2018


Language Time, s Compile Run
Nim Constant 0.003 nim cpp -d:release fib_const.nim time ./fib_cont
Crystal Memoized 0.004 crystal build --release fib-mem.cr time ./fib-mem
Perl Memoized 2 0.005 time perl fib-mem2.pl
OCaml TCO 0.005 ocamlopt -O3 -o fib_tail fib_tail.ml time ./fib_tail
Haskell Memoized 0.005 ghc -O3 -o fib_mem fib_mem.hs time ./fib_mem
Nim Memoized 0.005 nim cpp -d:release fib_mem.nim time ./fib_mem
Swift Memoized 0.006 swiftc -O -g fib-mem.swift time ./fib-mem
C++ Constant 0.006 g++-8 -O3 -o fib-const fib-constexpr.cpp time ./fib-const
Go Memoized 0.006 go build fib-mem.go time ./fib-mem
Perl Inline 0.007 time perl fib-inline.py
D Memoized 0.007 ldc2 -O3 -release -flto=full -of=fib-mem fib-mem.d time ./fib-mem
Lisp Compile Time 0.008 sbcl --load fib-compiletime.lisp time ./fib-compiletime
Perl Memoized 0.015 time perl fib-mem.pl
Python Cached 0.034 time python3 fib-cache.py
Lua Memoized 0.040 time lua fib-mem.lua
Node Memoized 0.065 time node fib-mem.js
Ruby Memoized 0.081 time ruby fib-mem.rb
Erlang Memoized 0.104 erlc +native +'{hipe,[o3]}' fib_mem.erl time erl -noinput -noshell -s fib_mem
Escript Memoized 0.139 time escript fib_mem.es
K Memoized 0.220 time k fib-mem.k
Java Iterative 0.233 javac FibOptimized.java time java FibOptimized
Elixir Iterative 0.461 time elixir fib-iterative.exs
Perl6 Memoized 0.915 time perl6 fib-mem.p6


All compilers are installed using asdf or apt on Ubuntu 18.04 docker image:

  • gcc 7.4.0
  • g++ 7.4.0
  • java openjdk-11.0.1
  • ruby 2.6.3
  • clojure 1.10.0
  • crystal 0.29.0
  • dart 2.2.0
  • dotnet-core 2.2.105
  • erlang 22.0.2
  • elixir 1.8.2
  • elm 0.19.0
  • golang 1.12.5
  • haskell 8.6.5
  • julia 1.1.1
  • lua 5.3.5
  • luajit 2.1.0-beta3
  • nim v0.20.0
  • nodejs 8.12.0
  • pascal 3.0.4
  • perl 5.28.1
  • php 7.3.6
  • python 2.7.16
  • python3 3.7.3
  • rust 1.35.0
  • R 3.6.0
  • D (lcd2) 1.15.1
  • ponyc 0.28.1
  • swift 5.0.1
  • cython 0.26.1
  • gfortran 7.4.0
  • ocaml 4.07.1
  • perl6 2018.06
  • lisp (sbcl) 1.4.5
  • tcl 8.6
  • scheme 2.2


Fibonacci Benchmark