
Qiwei's website

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Tech Stack

A serverless single page restful app built with AWS and React

  • Lambda & API Gateway for serverless api
  • DynamoDB for database
  • Cognito for user authentication and securing APIs
  • S3 for hosting app and file uploads
  • CloudFront for serving out app
  • Route 53 for domain
  • Certificate Manager for SSL
  • React.js for single page app
  • React Router for routing
  • Material UI for the UI Kit

In 2018, this tech stack was initially learnt from Serverless Stack tutorial, used serverless framenwork for all resources. In these years, the cloud services have changed a lot. AWS CDK came out and it was gaining popularity. And in 2020, I found Serverless Stack has updated their tutorials to use their own AWS CDK constructs library called sst. So I decided to migrate my app to use it as well, but I only migrated the ones that are easy to do following the tutorial.

In 2023/2024, I did some refactoring, switched from npm to pnpm, changed all sst CDK constructs and sls configs to official AWS CDK constrcuts, since those 2 libraries were actually making my life more difficult, changed all js to ts, updated frontend styles, and updated lots of code since there are breaking changes from dependencies.

A more standardized and new fullstack cdk template can be found here.


# aws login
aws sso login --profile default

# infra need manual deploy
# since they don't change very often, I didn't add to ci
cd infra
cdk synth
cdk diff
cdk deploy

## client is auto deployed when push to master
## see .circleci/config.yml

Image CDN

I use JsDelivr as my image CDN, it's free and fast. I use it to serve out some of the images in blog posts. Images are saved in this repo, and upload to JsDeliver using a GitHub Action workflow.