
A lightweight, easily scalable JavaScript form validation library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Just write the requirements on DOM data- attributes, hx-Validator would handle the validation stuff.

And it's pure JS.


  • Pure javascript, no more libraries for dependency.
  • Easy to use, only data- attributes and one line js.
  • Easy to customize, you can change those classes names and styles at your ease.
  • Easy to extend, you can write your own validating function for special inputs easily.

Browser Compatibility

Tested in the following browsers/versions:

  • Google Chrome 27+
  • Internet Explorer 9.0+ (Sorry, IE8)
  • Firefox 30+
  • Safari 5.1+

Don't have much time and conditions on Compatibility test, and let me know if you got any information about this.



<!---- embed hxValidator -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/your/path/to/hx-validator.js"></scirpt>

<form id="hxValidator">
  <!---- a input field wrap -->
  <div class="hxValidator-field">
    <input name="username" type="text" value='' placeholder="Username" data-your-requirements /><!---- write requirements here -->
    <span class='hints'>write hints text here </span>
    <span class="errors error-txt"></span><!---- erorr messages tag, leave it empty -->
  <input name="submit" type="submit" value='Submit' />

Basicly, an input field should have those things below:

  1. A div tag with '.hxvalidator-field';
  2. An input tag, with data- attibutes of requirements;
  3. An hints tag, and your hints for the field, you can leave it empty;
  4. An errors tags, leave it empty, error messages would be written in options.

That's all.

And you can add other tags you like, like this [example] demo.

Support validate requirements:


format: data-required="true"

error message: This field is required


format: data-min-length="{number required}"

error message: This field needs %s characters at least

The %s would be replace with the number required you set when the error message shows.


format: data-max-length="{number required}"

error message: This field needs %s characters at most

The %s would be replace with the number required you set when the error message shows.


format: data-phone="true"

error message: Not a valid phone number

You should change the phoneRegex for your local phone format from src. The default is Chinese phone format.


format: data-number="true"

error message: Numbers only

not all number

format: data-not-all-number="true"

error message: Can't be all numbers


format: data-match="{name attribute}|"

error message: Does not match the %s field

The %s would be replace with the target input field name attribute you set when the error message shows.

And the last | is required and you could add a alias for the target field after the |.

This validation is useful as password confirmation. For example,

<div class="hxValidator-field">
  <input name="password" type="password" data-max-length="12" data-min-length="6" id="password" />
  <span class='hints'></span>
  <span class="errors error-txt"></span>
<div class="hxValidator-field">
  <input name="comfirm_password" type="password" data-match="password|密码" id="comfirm_password" />
  <span class='hints'></span>
  <span class="errors error-txt"></span>

custom validation

You can easily extend hxValidator to a special requirment on your own.

You have to supply 3 elements:

  1. A name for the validation;
  2. A validate function with a 'field' parameter, and a option parameter for data- attribute's value;
  3. A error message for this validation;

The validaton name should follow lowerCamelCase format in JS, and lowercased joint with '-' in HTML.

The field is the field's DOM and you can get the value of user inputs by calling field.value.

And the validate function should return true when the value meets the requirement, false for failed.

That' all. Wrap those into the options passed to hxValidator.

Let's see a example:

// You can not use those names as username
var forbiddenNames = "admin Daisy" // Yeah, I don't like Daisy!

// optional is the value of the data- attribute
var forbiddenNameValidate = function (field, optional) {
    var inputValue = field.value;
    return (forbiddenNames.indexOf(inputValue) < 0);

var options = {
    messages: {forbiddenUsername: "This username is not allowed"},
    customCheckMethods: {
        forbiddenUsername: forbiddenNameValidate

// init the validator
new hxValidator("#register_form", options);

<div class="hxValidator-field">
  <input name="username" type="text" data-forbidden-username="true" id="username" />
  <span class='hints'></span>
  <span class="errors error-txt"></span>

This gives you flexibility at most. You could even write Remote check with your backend server for some special field.

Check this example Which check the uniqueness of username, email, and even a validation code.

Current version only supports text or password type of inputs, and will support checkbox in next few versions.


All those below you can customize.


default: ".hxValidator-field"

Wrapper tag's class.


default: ".errors"

Errors tag's class.


default: ".hints"

Hints tag's class.



  messages: {
    required: "This field is required",
    minLength: "This field needs %s characters at least",
    maxLength: "This field needs %s characters at most",
    phone: "Not a valid phone number",
    email: "Not a valid Email address",
    number: "Numbers only",
    notAllNumber: "Can't be all numbers",
    match: "Does not match the %s field"

Error messages.


default: null

You can define a callback function which would be called when a field failed the validation.

The function should have a paramter field, which is the field's DOM.


default: null

You can define a callback function which would be called when a field passed the validation.

The function should have a paramter field, which is the field's DOM.


default: null

You can define a callback function which would be called when a field got focused.

The function should have a paramter field, which is the field's DOM.

Check this example Which use all thoese callbacks for styling with pass/failed icons.


  • 0.1.6 add bower install
  • 0.1.0 release
  • 0.0.10 add readme
  • 0.0.9 rewrite with pure js
  • 0.0.5 delay Remote validation check
  • 0.0.2 add examples.html


  • add supports for checkbox and select
  • add localization
  • reorganize structure of options

One more thing

hxValidator.js was written in jQuery at first, but then rewrote in pure JS.

I kept the jQuery version file in the dist folder(but won't keep maintenance), use at your ease.


Copyright (c) 2014 zisasign. Licensed under the MIT license.