
My LeetCode Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This Zhenkang1's LeetCode Repository(mainly by Python).

I started the journey of LeetCode when I was in the second year of my Ph.D.2.


Big data is changing the world. In this page, some data of my studying progress are collected and showed.

Distribution of Learning Time in One Day

I read the modification time of each solution file by Python and analyzed my study time.

Figure of Hourly Distribution

LeetCode Contest

I am trying to participate in the LeetCode weekly contest.

Number Contest Title Score Global Ranking Time
1 Weekly Contest 262 ✔✔❌❌ 1317 / 4260 2021/10/10
2 Weekly Contest 263 ✔✔✔❌ 743 / 4571 2021/10/17
3 Weekly Contest 264 ✔❌❌❌ 2032 / 4658 2021/10/24
4 Weekly Contest 265 ✔✔❌❌ 1415 / 4181 2021/10/31

My Coding Record

Learning Record

In weekly contest 263, the fourth problem is about Breadth-first search(BFS), which I was not familiar with.

Therefore, a note about Search is written to summarize the key points of DFS/Backtracking/BFS.

For more information, you could visit myLeetBook, which contains more details about my thinking.

Cumulative Curve

I read the modification time of each solution file by Python and analyzed the Cumulative Curve.

Figure of Cumulative Curve

Solved Problems List

All my solved problems are listed here. For searching and reviewing easily, the difficulty, status and addressed time are recorded.

For example, the first recorded problem is twoSum, whose difficulty is Easy. The time when got ACCEPTED is 2020/12/04. Meanwhile, the classification and the self-rating score on the problem are recorded.

Number Title Difficulty Status3 Time4 Classification Mastery5
1 twoSum Easy AC 2020/12/04 Array ★★★☆☆
2 addTwoNumbers Medium AC 2020/12/04 Linked List ★★★★☆
3 lengthOfLongestSubstring Medium AC 2020/12/04 Hash ★☆☆☆☆
4 findMedianSortedArrays Hard AC 2020/12/04 --- ---6
5 longestPalindrome Medium AC 2020/12/05 --- ---
6 convert Medium AC 2020/12/05 --- ---
7 reverse Easy AC 2020/12/05 --- ---
8 myAtoi Medium AC 2020/12/05 --- ---
9 isPalindrome Easy AC 2020/12/06 --- ---
10 isMatch Hard AC 2021/10/26 DP ★★☆☆☆
11 maxArea Medium AC 2020/12/07 --- ---
12 intToRoman Medium AC 2020/12/07 --- ---
13 romanToInt Easy AC 2020/12/07 --- ---
14 longestCommonPrefix Easy AC 2020/12/07 --- ---
15 threeSum Medium AC 2020/12/07 --- ---
16 threeSumClosest Medium AC 2020/12/08 --- ---
17 letterCombinations Medium AC 2021/09/30 --- ---
18 fourSum Medium AC 2021/10/25 Array ★★☆☆☆
19 removeNthFromEnd Medium AC 2021/08/14 --- ---
20 isValid Easy AC 2021/08/10 --- ---
21 mergeTwoLists Easy AC 2021/09/27 --- ---
22 generateParenthesis Medium AC 2021/09/30 --- ---
23 mergeKLists Hard AC 2021/09/27 --- ---
24 swapPairs Medium AC 2021/09/29 --- ---
25 reverseKGroup Hard AC 2021/10/01 --- ---
26 removeDuplicates Easy AC 2021/08/15 --- ---
27 removeElement Easy AC 2021/08/15 --- ---
28 strStr Easy AC 2021/08/17 --- ---
29 divide Medium AC 2021/10/12 Bit ★☆☆☆☆
30 findSubstring Hard AC 2021/10/01 --- ---
31 nextPermutation Medium AC 2021/09/30 --- ---
32 longestValidParentheses Hard AC 2021/09/25 --- ---
33 search Medium AC 2021/09/30 --- ---
34 searchRange Medium AC 2021/09/30 --- ---
35 searchInsert Easy AC 2021/08/17 --- ---
36 isValidSudoku Medium AC 2021/10/01 --- ---
37 solveSudoku Hard AC 2021/10/01 --- ---
38 countAndSay Medium AC 2021/10/01 --- ---
39 combinationSum Medium AC 2021/09/30 --- ---
40 combinationSum2 Medium AC 2021/09/30 --- ---
41 firstMissingPositive Hard AC 2021/10/01 --- ---
42 trap Hard AC 2021/09/26 --- ---
43 multiply Medium AC 2021/10/01 --- ---
44 isMatch Hard AC 2021/10/27 DP ★★★☆☆
45 jump Medium AC 2021/10/02 --- ---
46 permute Medium AC 2021/09/05 --- ---
47 permuteUnique Medium AC 2021/09/30 --- ---
48 rotate Medium AC 2021/10/02 --- ---
49 groupAnagrams Medium AC 2021/10/04 Hash ★★★★☆
50 myPow Medium AC 2021/10/05 Array ★★★★★
51 solveNQueens Hard AC 2021/10/16 Backtracking ★★★☆☆
52 totalNQueens Hard AC 2021/10/16 Backtracking ★★★☆☆
53 maxSubArray Easy AC 2021/09/25 --- ---
54 spiralOrder Medium AC 2021/10/05 Array ★★★★☆
55 canJump Medium AC 2021/10/06 Greedy ★★★★★
56 merge Medium AC 2021/10/06 Sorting ★★★★★
57 insert Medium AC 2021/10/07 Array ★★☆☆☆
58 lengthOfLastWord Easy AC 2021/09/27 --- ---
59 generateMatrix Medium AC 2021/10/07 Array ★★★★☆
60 getPermutation Hard AC 2021/10/08 Recursion ★★★☆☆
61 rotateRight Medium AC 2021/10/08 Linked List ★★★☆☆
62 uniquePaths Medium AC 2021/10/08 DP ★★★☆☆
63 uniquePathsWithObstacles Medium AC 2021/10/13 DP ★★★★☆
64 minPathSum Medium AC 2021/10/11 DP ★★★★☆
65 isNumber Hard AC 2021/10/12 String ★☆☆☆☆
66 plusOne Easy AC 2021/09/27 --- ---
67 addBinary Easy AC 2021/09/27 --- ---
68 fullJustify Hard AC 2021/09/09 --- ---
69 mySqrt Easy AC 2021/09/27 --- ---
70 climbStairs Easy AC 2021/09/10 --- ---
71 simplifyPath Medium AC 2021/10/15 String ★★★★☆
72 minDistance Hard AC 2021/10/27 DP ★★★★☆
73 setZeroes Medium AC 2021/10/13 Array ★★★★☆
74 searchMatrix Medium AC 2021/10/15 Search ★★★★☆
75 sortColors Medium AC 2021/09/03 --- ---
76 minWindow Medium AC 2021/10/15 Hash ★★☆☆☆
77 combine Medium AC 2021/10/01 --- ---
78 subsets Medium AC 2021/10/15 Bit ★★★★☆
79 exist Medium AC 2021/10/16 Backtracking ★★★★☆
80 removeDuplicates Medium AC 2021/10/16 Array ★★★☆☆
81 search Medium AC 2021/10/16 Search ★★★☆☆
82 deleteDuplicates Medium AC 2021/10/19 Linked List ★★★☆☆
83 deleteDuplicates Easy AC 2021/10/19 Linked List ★★★☆☆
84 largestRectangleArea Hard AC 2021/10/21 Stack ★★☆☆☆
85 maximalRectangle Hard AC 2021/10/21 Stack ★★☆☆☆
86 partition Medium AC 2021/10/21 Linked List ★★★★★
87 isScramble Hard AC 2021/10/28 DP ★★★☆☆
88 merge Easy AC 2021/10/22 Array ★★★★★
89 grayCode Medium AC 2021/10/20 Math ★★★☆☆
90 subsetsWithDup Medium AC 2021/10/22 Backtracking ★★★★☆
91 numDecodings Medium AC 2021/10/22 DP ★☆☆☆☆
92 reverseBetween Medium AC 2021/10/22 Linked List ★★★★☆
93 restoreIpAddresses Medium AC 2021/10/22 Backtracking ★★★★☆
94 inorderTraversal Easy AC 2021/09/03 --- ---
95 generateTrees Medium AC 2021/10/24 Recursion ★☆☆☆☆
96 numTrees Medium AC 2021/10/24 DP ★★★☆☆
97 isInterleave Medium AC 2021/10/24 DP ★★★★☆
98 isValidBST Medium AC 2021/09/03 --- ---
99 recoverTree Medium AC 2021/10/28 Tree ★★★☆☆
100 isSameTree Easy AC 2021/09/04 --- ---
101 isSymmetric --- AC 2021/09/04 --- ---
102 levelOrder --- AC 2021/09/07 --- ---
103 zigzagLevelOrder --- AC 2021/09/07 --- ---
104 maxDepth --- AC 2021/09/04 --- ---
105 buildTree --- AC 2021/09/29 --- ---
106 buildTree --- AC 2021/09/29 --- ---
107 levelOrderBottom --- AC 2021/09/07 --- ---
110 isBalanced --- AC 2021/09/04 --- ---
111 minDepth --- AC 2021/09/07 --- ---
116 connect --- AC 2021/09/09 --- ---
118 generate --- AC 2021/09/25 --- ---
119 getRow --- AC 2021/09/25 --- ---
120 minimumTotal --- AC 2021/09/26 --- ---
121 maxProfit --- AC 2021/09/25 --- ---
122 maxProfit --- AC 2021/09/26 --- ---
123 maxProfit --- AC 2021/09/26 --- ---
126 findLadders Hard AC 2021/10/18 BFS ★★☆☆☆
127 ladderLength Hard AC 2021/10/18 BFS ★★☆☆☆
128 longestConsecutive Medium AC 2021/11/03 Union Find ★★☆☆☆
144 preorderTraversal --- AC 2021/09/03 --- ---
145 postorderTraversal --- AC 2021/09/04 --- ---
154 findMin --- AC 2021/08/28 --- ---
162 findPeakElement --- AC 2021/09/15 --- ---
166 fractionToDecimal --- AC 2021/10/03 --- ---
187 findRepeatedDnaSequences Medium AC 2021/10/08 Bit ★★★★☆
198 rob --- AC 2021/09/10 --- ---
211 WordDictionary Medium AC 2021/10/19 Design ★☆☆☆☆
213 rob --- AC 2021/09/26 --- ---
223 computeArea --- AC 2021/09/30 --- ---
229 majorityElement Medium AC 2021/10/22 Hash ★★★☆☆
230 kthSmallest Medium AC 2021/10/17 Tree ★★★☆☆
237 deleteNode Easy AC 2021/11/02 Linked List ★★★★☆
240 searchMatrix Medium AC 2021/10/25 Search ★★★☆☆
260 singleNumber Medium AC 2021/10/30 Array ★★★☆☆
268 missingNumber Easy AC 2021/11/06 Array ★★☆☆☆
273 numberToWords Hard AC 2021/10/11 String ★★★★★
279 numSquares --- AC 2021/09/10 --- ---
282 addOperators Hard AC 2021/10/16 Backtracking ★☆☆☆☆
284 PeekingIterator Medium AC 2021/10/05 Design ★☆☆☆☆
299 getHint Medium AC 2021/11/08 Hash ★★★★☆
301 removeInvalidParentheses Hard AC 2021/10/27 Backtracking ★★★☆☆
326 isPowerOfThree --- AC 2021/09/23 --- ---
335 isSelfCrossing Hard AC 2021/10/29 Math ★☆☆☆☆
352 SummaryRanges Hard AC 2021/10/09 Design ★★☆☆☆
367 isPerfectSquare Easy AC 2021/11/04 Search ★★★★☆
371 getSum --- AC 2021/09/26 --- ---
405 toHex --- AC 2021/10/02 --- ---
407 trapRainWater Hard AC 2021/11/03 Heap ★☆☆☆☆
412 fizzBuzz Easy AC 2021/10/13 Array ★★★★★
413 numberOfArithmeticSlices --- AC 2021/09/10 --- ---
414 thirdMax Easy AC 2021/10/06 Sorting ★★★★★
430 flatten --- AC 2021/09/24 --- ---
434 countSegments Easy AC 2021/10/07 String ★★★★★
437 pathSum --- AC 2021/09/28 --- ---
441 arrangeCoins Easy AC 2021/10/10 Math ★★★★☆
447 numberOfBoomerangs --- AC 2021/09/13 --- ---
451 frequencySort --- AC 2021/08/28 --- ---
453 minMoves Easy AC 2021/10/20 Array ★★★★★
470 rand10 --- AC 2021/09/05 --- ---
476 findComplement Easy AC 2021/10/18 Bit ★★★☆☆
482 licenseKeyFormatting Easy AC 2021/10/04 String ★★☆☆☆
492 constructRectangle Easy AC 2021/10/23 Array ★★★★★
496 nextGreaterElement Easy AC 2021/10/26 Stack ★★★★☆
500 findWords Easy AC 2021/10/31 Hash ★★★★☆
502 findMaximizedCapital --- AC 2021/09/08 --- ---
517 findMinMoves --- AC 2021/09/29 --- ---
524 findLongestWord --- AC 2021/08/21 --- ---
575 distributeCandies Easy AC 2021/11/01 Array ★★★★★
583 minDistance --- AC 2021/09/25 --- ---
598 maxCount Easy AC 2021/11/07 Array ★★★★★
600 findIntegers --- AC 2021/09/11 --- ---
633 judgeSquareSum --- AC 2021/08/21 --- ---
638 shoppingOffers Medium AC 2021/10/24 Backtracking ★★★☆☆
639 numDecodings --- AC 2021/09/27 --- ---
678 checkValidString --- AC 2021/09/13 --- ---
680 validPalindrome --- AC 2021/08/21 --- ---
704 search --- AC 2021/09/06 --- ---
852 peakIndexInMountainArray Easy AC 2021/10/14 Search ★★★★☆
869 reorderedPowerOf2 Medium AC 2021/10/28 Hash ★★★★☆
1009 bitwiseComplement Easy AC 2021/10/18 Bit ★★★☆☆
1143 longestCommonSubsequence --- AC 2021/09/25 --- ---
1218 longestSubsequence Medium AC 2021/11/05 DP ★☆☆☆☆
1221 balancedStringSplit --- AC 2021/09/07 --- ---
1436 destCity --- AC 2021/10/01 --- ---
1894 chalkReplacer --- AC 2021/09/10 --- ---
1995 countQuadruplets --- AC 2021/09/08 --- ---
2032 twoOutOfThree Easy AC 2021/10/10 Array ★★★☆☆
2033 minOperations Medium AC 2021/10/10 Math ★★★★☆
2034 StockPrice Medium AC 2021/10/11 Design ★★★☆☆
2042 areNumbersAscending Easy AC 2021/10/17 String ★★★☆☆
2043 Bank Medium AC 2021/10/17 Design ★★★☆☆
2044 countMaxOrSubsets Medium AC 2021/10/17 Backtracking ★★★☆☆
2045 secondMinimum Hard AC 2021/10/19 BFS ☆☆☆☆☆
2047 countValidWords Easy AC 2021/10/24 String ★★★★☆
2048 nextBeautifulNumber Medium WA 2021/10/24 Array ☆☆☆☆☆
2057 smallestEqual Easy AC 2021/10/31 Array ★★★★☆
2058 nodesBetweenCriticalPoints Medium AC 2021/10/31 Linked List ★★★★☆
2059 minimumOperations Medium AC 2021/11/04 BFS ★★★☆☆
2060 possiblyEquals Hard WA 2021/10/31 DP ☆☆☆☆☆
X0697 peakIndexInMountainArray Easy AC 2021/10/14 Search ★★★★☆


  1. More information about Zhenkang. -> Zhenkang's Personal Page

  2. When I entered my Ph.D. career, I found that what I love is not researching, but programming.

  3. Current Status of the Problem. AC: Accepted; WA: Wrong Answer

  4. Solved Time.

  5. My score. If I understand it fully , I will change it to ★★★★★. Similarly, ☆☆☆☆☆ will be recorded if I don't have any idea about it.

  6. Some unrecorded data for some reason.

  7. Problems in Offer II