
List out good resources for MLE study. E.g: Good blog post, good git repo for reading and hands on examples


List out good resources for MLE study. E.g: Good blog post, good git repo for reading and hands on examples

Good Git Repos:

How To Read Paper:

  1. Before you even start, look for existing blogs that summarize the paper. If you didn't find any, then good luck, the paper might not worth reading.
  2. Really look for what problem this paper is trying to solve (should be in the Abstract Section), and stop reading if the problem and the problem solution is not of your interest. Also be aware of the problem definition, framing and assumptions, because they might be different than what you are looking for.
  3. Look into the result section and see how the evaluation metrics is defined and why this new solution is alledgely better
  4. Introduction Section should cover most of the background which is interesting to read.
  5. Related Section is sometimes just pointing to other papers, if some paper you saw many differnt times then you should read. But other than that don't read too deep into it.
  6. Don't read too much into the math? But maybe pay a bit more attention to the symbol definitions.

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