
Victory Native Stack Component Panning Issues

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Victory Native VictoryStack Panning Issues

I have created an issue on Victory Native issues page

This example showcases some issues with using VictoryStack component with VictoryBar. Victory Native Stacked Bar chart issues

# Install Expo cli tools https://docs.expo.io/
$ npm install --global expo-cli

# Install npm packages for the demo code and run it in ios
$ yarn install && yarn ios

# If you are using android
$ yarn install && yarn android

1. src/NormalBarDemo

It contains example code that just has a standard victory native bar chart which panning works well.

2. src/StackedBarDemo

It contains example code to that has a stacked bars. We found two issues:

1.) After wrapping the VictorPyBar with the VictoryStack, the rendering works well. However, the onPressIn, onPress and onPressOut events seem to only get fired for the first time.

2.) Panning on the bars does not seem to work anymore when we pass any events on the VictoryBar, we can only pan on non-bar area on the chart. However, if we remove the events props on the VictoryBar, the panning will work again, unfortunately we need to handle some onPressIn events and can't achieve our features without using events.

3. A short gif about the issues:

Victory Native Stacked Bar chart issues