
MATLAB Code for Fast Linear Interpolation

Primary LanguageMATLABBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

MATLAB Code for Fast Linear Interpolation

license - BSD language - MATLAB category - science status - maintained

The MATLAB code offers fast 1D linear interpolation methods.

The following fast interpolation methods is implemented:

  • Linear interpolation inside the domain, linear extrapolation outside.
  • Support vector or matrix (set of 1D values) for the sample values.
  • Support for evenly spaced sample points: interp_regular.
  • Support for evenly arbitrarily spaced sample points: interp_fast.
  • These algorithms can be up to 30x faster than the MATLAB builtin interpolation methods.

The following algorithm is used for interp_regular:

  • The sample points are evenly spaced.
  • The position (index) of the query points can be computed without searching.
  • Hence, the complexity is O(1).

The following algorithm is used for interp_fast:

  • The sample points are arbitrarily spaced.
  • After each query, the position (index) of the point is returned.
  • This index is used as an initial value for the next query point.
  • Hence, the computational cost is reduced if the query points are partially sorted.
  • For randomly distributed query points, the complexity is O(n).
  • For sorted query points, the complexity is reduced from O(n) to O(1).

These methods should be used in the following case:

  • Many calls are done with the same sample points and values.
  • The calls cannot be vectorized (interdepency between the query points).
  • A typical use case is ODE integration where the calls cannot be vectorized.

These functions can be compiled to MEX files with the MATLAB Coder.


  • interp_regular.m - Fast interpolation method (evenly spaced sample points).
  • interp_fast.m - Fast interpolation method (arbitrarily spaced sample points).



The following sample points and values are considered (1000 points):

% sample points (sorted)
x_vec = linspace(0, 1, 1000);

% sample values (3 rows)
y_mat = [-1+x_vec+x_vec.^2 ; +1+x_vec-x_vec.^2; +2-x_vec-x_vec.^2];

The following query points (sorted and random) are considered (12500 points):

% query point, mostly sorted
x_vec_pts_sort = [...
    linspace(-1.0, +2.0, 2500)...
    linspace(+2.0, -0.5, 2500)...
    linspace(-0.5, +0.5, 2500)...
    linspace(+0.5, -1.0, 2500)...
    linspace(-1.0, +2.0, 2500)...

% randomly sorted query points
idx = randperm(length(x_vec_pts_sort));
x_vec_pts_rand = x_vec_pts_sort(idx);

The following algorithms are compared with sorted and random query points:

  • interp1 code (MATLAB builtin function, MATLAB and MEX)
  • griddedInterpolant code (MATLAB builtin function, MATLAB)
  • interp_regular code (proposed method, MATLAB and MEX)
  • interp_fast code (proposed method, MATLAB and MEX)
  • In this document, the benchmark is run on a Intel i5-8250U laptop on Linux (64 bits).

The following files are required to run the benchmark:

Vectorized Call

All the 12500 query points are evaluated at once with a vectorized call.

============================ vectorized call

interp1              MATLAB   sorted = 0.74 ms     random = 0.70 ms  
interp1              MEX      sorted = 0.70 ms     random = 0.85 ms  

griddedInterpolant   MATLAB   sorted = 0.18 ms     random = 0.21 ms  
griddedInterpolant   MEX      sorted = NaN ms      random = NaN ms   

interp_regular       MATLAB   sorted = 1.92 ms     random = 1.59 ms  
interp_regular       MEX      sorted = 2.89 ms     random = 4.18 ms  

interp_fast          MATLAB   sorted = 3.62 ms     random = 18.61 ms 
interp_fast          MEX      sorted = 1.12 ms     random = 18.45 ms 

============================ vectorized call
  • MEX files are not faster than MATLAB files.
  • Sorted query points are better for interp_fast.
  • The best overall algorithm is griddedInterpolant.
  • For vectorized call, griddedInterpolant should be prefered.

Non-Vectorized Call

All the 12500 query points are evaluated one by one (in a for-loop).

============================ non-vectorized call

interp1              MATLAB   sorted = 534.80 ms   random = 649.80 ms
interp1              MEX      sorted = 94.57 ms    random = 75.42 ms 

griddedInterpolant   MATLAB   sorted = 37.21 ms    random = 45.32 ms 
griddedInterpolant   MEX      sorted = NaN ms      random = NaN ms   

interp_regular       MATLAB   sorted = 45.32 ms    random = 29.57 ms 
interp_regular       MEX      sorted = 1.16 ms     random = 1.11 ms  

interp_fast          MATLAB   sorted = 11.36 ms    random = 27.46 ms 
interp_fast          MEX      sorted = 1.11 ms     random = 17.61 ms 

============================ non-vectorized call
  • MEX files are faster than MATLAB files.
  • Sorted query points are better for interp_fast.
  • The best overall algorithm is interp_regular and interp_fast.
  • For non-vectorized call, interp_regular should be prefered with evenly spaced samples points.
  • For non-vectorized call, interp_fast should be prefered with arbitrarily spaced samples points.


  • Tested with MATLAB R2021a.
  • The MATLAB Coder toolbox is required for compiling MATLAB into MEX.
  • Compatibility with GNU Octave not tested but probably easy to achieve.


Thomas Guillod - GitHub Profile


This project is licensed under the BSD License, see LICENSE.md.