
A sample RestAPI using FastAPI and pyodbc to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server Database.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A sample RestAPI using FastAPI and pyodbc to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server Database.

How to use

  1. Prepare a SQL Server Database, DB user and password, also DB host.
  2. Rewrite ENV of Dockerfile with your own DB infos.
  3. Build A Docker instance and run it.
  4. Test DB connection, and then do whatever you want.

Setup development environment

Please install Docker and Docker compose first.


After installation, run the following command to create a local Docker container.

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

If you want to check the log while Docker container is running, then try to use following command:

docker-compose up

If Docker is running successfully, the API and DB server will be launched as shown in the following:

Be careful, it won't work if the port is occupied by another application.

If you want to check docker is actually working, then you can check it with following command:

docker ps

If you want to go inside of docker container, then try to use following command:

docker-compose exec fast_api bash

For shutdown of the docker instance, please use following command:

docker-compose down

Production deployment

Build a docker image:

docker build -f ./Dockerfile -t fastapi-sql-server-app . --platform linux/amd64 --no-cache

And then push it to your repository:
(The following is just an example.)

docker tag fastapi-sql-server-app gcr.io/your-project-of-gcp/fastapi-sql-server-app
docker push gcr.io/your-project-of-gcp/fastapi-sql-server-app