
🍏 English1.7.0ENU.iniENU.txtENU.txt@dvdforge
🍏 Japanese1.7.0JPN.iniJPN.txtJPN.txt@Pentive
🍏 German1.7.0DEU.iniDEU.txtDEU.txt@dvdforge
🍏 Russian1.7.0RUS.iniRUS.txtRUS.txt@oldman777
🍏 Italian1.7.0ITA.iniITA.txtITA.txt@bovirus @gokronikos
🍏 Spanish1.7.0ESN.iniESN.txtESN.txt@c-sanchez
🍏 Slovak1.7.0SKY.iniSKY.txtSKY.txt@MatejGolian
🍏 Chinese (PRC)1.7.0CHS.iniCHS.txtCHS.txt@dvdforge
🍏 Korean1.7.0KOR.iniKOR.txtKOR.txtJaehyung Lee
🍏 Polish1.7.0PLK.iniPLK.txtPLK.txt@Jarek63
🍎 French1.3.4FRA.iniFRA.txtFRA.txtpaulot
🍎 Portuguese1.3.4PTG.iniPTG.txtPTG.txtCarlos B. Jorge

🍏 Up to date
🍊 Not up to date
🍎 No update for a long time, we need a translator

How to Translate

Download ENU.ini (right click the link, save as), translate strings after '=' character, and send the file to

I'm not a native English speaker, please contact me for any grammatical or spelling mistakes in ENU.ini.

How to Use

ImgDrive uses binary format language file(.lng) to improve performance. You can use ini2lng.exe to convert the plain text .ini to .lng.

  1. Double click ini2lng.exe, this will convert all .ini files to .lng in the same directory.
  2. Copy Lang\ folder to %ProgramFiles%\ImgDrive\Lang, then restart ImgDrive, the translated strings will be shown in ImgDrive if all goes well.