owlqn:L1-LBFGS implemented by go

Primary LanguageGo


OWLQN is an optimization algorithm,which is known as L1-LBFGS.

OWLQN algorithm is first proposed by paper "Orthant-Wise Limited-memory Quasi-Newton Optimizer for L1-regularized Objectives" writen by Galen Andrew and jianfeng Gao.

OWLQN make use of pseudo-gradient to find f(x) partial derivative where x is not differentiable.

OWLQN can sovle L1 logstic regression optimization problem.L1 logstic regression is used for "ad ctr prediction“ in most company.

#How to use This is a demo about L1-regression optimization.

you can execute test.go by "go run examples/test.go -num 5 -l1weight 1"

package main

import (

func main() {
    var l1weight float64
    var l2weight float64
    var feature_num int
    var m int
    var tol float64
    var quiet bool
    var feature_file string  //input file:should have the same format as libsvm's input file
    var output_file string
    flag.Float64Var(&l1weight, "l1weight", 1.0, "coefficient of l1 regularizer (default is 1)")
    flag.Float64Var(&l2weight, "l2weight", 0.0, "coefficient of l2 regularizer(default is 0)")
    flag.IntVar(&m, "m", 10, "sets L-BFGS memory parameter (default is 10)")
    flag.IntVar(&feature_num, "num", 0, "total feature count")
    flag.Float64Var(&tol, "tol", 0.0001, " sets convergence tolerance (default is 1e-4)")
    flag.BoolVar(&quiet, "quiet", false, "Suppress all output information")
    flag.StringVar(&feature_file, "input", "./testdata", "the path of input feature file")
    flag.StringVar(&output_file, "output", "./model", "the path of output model file")
    fmt.Println("feature_num:",feature_num,"  l1weight:",l1weight)
    lr:= owlqn.NewLogisticRegression(feature_file, feature_num) //init a LogisticRegression object
    obj := owlqn.NewLogisticRegressionObjective(lr, float32(l2weight)) 
    init := make([]float32, feature_num)

    for i := 0; i < len(init); i++ {

    result := make([]float32, feature_num)
    opt := owlqn.NewOWLQN(quiet)
    opt.Minimize(obj, init, result, float32(l1weight), float32(tol), m) //optimization fuction

    nonZero := 0
    for i := 0; i < feature_num; i++ {
        if result[i] != 0.0 {
    fmt.Printf("Finished train,%d/%d nonZero weight\n", nonZero, feature_num)

    f, err := os.Create(output_file)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
    defer f.Close()
    br := bufio.NewWriter(f)
    br.WriteString("feature_num="+strconv.FormatInt(int64(feature_num), 10)+"\n")
    br.WriteString("l1weight="+strconv.FormatFloat(float64(l1weight), 'f', 4, 32)+"\n")
    for i := 0; i < feature_num; i++ {
        res := strconv.FormatFloat(float64(result[i]), 'f', 4, 32)    //write variable weight into output_file
        br.WriteString(res + "\n")


#Todo GO is good at concurrence program.So I will write a concurrence OWLQN by go.