
Integration files for BURP-UI

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Integration files for BURP-UI


Please don't blindly copy these files to your /etc directory, read them and make sure they do what you want. Read prerequisites section before proceeding and correct files accordingly if your system is different.


  • BURP-UI is configured to work with gunicorn
  • BURP-UI/gunicorn service user is called burp-ui
  • gunicorn PID file is /var/run/burp-ui/gunicorn.pid (PID file is required for correct log rotation)
  • log files are /var/log/gunicorn/burp-ui_{access,error,info}.log

File descriptions


Rotates access logs daily, other logs monthly or after 1MB.


Creates empty directory /var/run/burp-ui/ belonging to user burp-ui at boot (creating PID file directly does not work due to gunicorn architecture).


Filter that catches "Wrong username or password" messages in info log.


Enables burp-ui-auth filter for /var/log/gunicorn/burp-ui_info.log, blocks ports 80 and 8080 when triggered. Include contents of this file to your /etc/fail2ban/jail.local.