A Django backend and React frontend: Real Estate Analysis Application: http://www.qmrealestate.co/
Configure the send email functionality and currently the send email not working in inquiry not working; Containerized the app with docker; Write tests for the app; Build the Portfolio page about myself;
OPTIONAL: Build scrapers for the app;
(1) python manage.py makemigrations
-> Migrate the models to the migrations
(2)python manage.py migrate
-> Migrate the changes to database
(Whenever we change the models models.py
, we need to run both)
python manage.py sqlmigrate listings 0001
Firstly add/edit the static files in the core app realestate
then run python manage.py collectstatic
to migrate the changes to the core statics folder!
(1) python manage.py startapp <app-name>
(2) add the new app to the core app settings.py under the INSTALLED_APPS
VPS: Droplet Ubuntu 20.04 1GB/1CPU, 25GB Disk, 1000GB Transfer;
When we set the DEBUG=True
, the nginx will take care of the static files;