
SVG to PNG, JPEG and PDF converter using PhantomJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

SVG to PNG, JPEG and PDF converter using PhantomJS



$ node bin/rasterize.js --help

Converts SVGs to PNGs, PDFs, JPEGs, using PhantomJS

rasterizejs input.svg [--output=output.png] [--scale=2]

  -o, --output  The output filename; if not provided, will be inferred  [string]
  -s, --scale   TThe scale of output                                    [string]
  --help        Show help                                              [boolean]
  --version     Show version number                                    [boolean]

Node.js requirements

RasterizeJS uses the latest in ES2015 features, and as such requires a recent version of Node.js. Only the 6.x series onward is supported.