********************************************************************** * I-Vector extraction with ALIZE/LIA_RAL * * by Anthony Larcher * alarcher - at- i2r.a-star.edu.sg * ********************************************************************** Documentation is provided in ./doc/ directory, an evolutive version of this documentation can be found in ALIZE wiki (http://alize.univ-avignon.fr/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page) ********************************************************************** * Content of this package ********************************************************************** This package has been set up to give quick help on how to generate i-vectors using ALI/LIA_RAL To try it out, please dowload ALIZE/LIA_RAL sources. After compiling the sources, please copy LIA_RAL *.exe" into the ./bin/ directory. Then run the bash script IV.sh - ./bin/ strore your binaries in this directory - ./cfg/ configuration files proposed for i-vector extraction are store in this directory - ./data/ contains a small set of data (acoustic features and label files) used for this demo. These data are part of the RSR2015 database. @INPROCEEDINGS{Larcher12_b, author = {Anthony Larcher and Kong Aik Lee and Ma Bin and Haizhou Li}, title = {{RSR2015: Database for Text-Dependent Speaker Verification using Multiple Pass-Phrases}}, booktitle = {submited to Interspeech}, year = {2012}, } - ./doc/ this directory contains a documention on how to generate i-vectors - ./gmm/ directory used to store the Universal Background Model - ./iv/ directory used to store the i-vectors when extracted - ./mat/ directory used to store matrix objects - ./ndx/ directory used to store index files