
Same idea as my start-backbone project, but this uses webpack as opposed to browserify.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Backbone Starter

This is a template for a Backbone application that is powered by Webpack and npm for automation.


  • git
  • npm
git clone https://github.com/austburn/start-backbone-webpack.git
npm install


This project is much like my start-backbone project, but uses Webpack and npm for automation and building. It turns out that Webpack is very simple to use and feels pretty familiar to Browserify.

Also used in this project is webpack-dev-server which bundles your code and hosts it on localhost:8080. Additionally, it will watch for changes and rebuild as needed.


npm is used shearly for the simplicity of not having to remember webpack CLI commands. Here is a list of commands:

npm run server    # Lints and starts the webpack development server on http://localhost:8080
npm run lint      # Runs jscs and jshint on the app directory
npm run bundle    # Bundles your source files in the app directory with init.js as the entry point
npm run watch     # Automatically rebundles your source as you make changes

If you need help configuring your desired linting checks, be sure to check out jscs and jshint for more information.