QA over Documents pipeline with a focus on privacy. All models and logic run locally. Suitable for use with company data.
Implemented on LangChain and with a simple Streamlit WebUI.
Reads from a private Confluence site, calculates embeddings with HuggingFaceEmbeddings and generates responses with the GPT4All LLM.
Dockerized for easy deployment.
$ docker run [...] workgpt
Error: Please provide a command.
Usage: ./ <command>
Available commands:
webui Runs streamlit webserver
rebuild-db Creates a new vector store and loads Confluence pages
append-db Appends Confluence pages to existing vector store
interactive Runs in interactive mode
Configured via environment variables; see .env.example.
Pending / TODO:
- Broken concurrency; move to langhcain ts
- Tweak text splitting and chunk sizes
- Test MultiQueryRetriever