
Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is "Be Kind"?

Be kind is the worlds first anti-social media app designed to restore self-esteem. At Be Kind we believe that what we say to ourselves out loud has a profound effect on our behavior. For that reason, we've created a site that allows users to send kind messages to themselves, while also encouraging them to read them out loud upon receiving them.

How does it work?

  1. It's easy! Just go to www.bekindtoyourself.com, and type a message to yourself.
  2. Press send.
  3. The user can choose form one of two options:
    • Make an account, where you can set multiple messages to be sent at the time interval the choose OR
    • Make it a one time message. The information will be deleted after the message is sent.
  4. A user's page will show a human task list to give themselves alerts to accomplish simple tasks like "making your bed" "Brushing your teeth"
  5. Second, the user will have the option to schedule more messages to themselves from the user page.

Core Dependencies

express mongo db mongoose path method-override cron express-session connect-mongo twilio bcryptjs

Trello Page



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Stretch Goals

  • Optional followup nudges for tasks that are more involved or that users know they'll want an extra push toward
  • Send a notice when all stored messages have been sent
  • Ability to opt-in to random kind messages and encouragements