
Write message onto the ethereum chain

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Engrave - Write message into the ethereum chain


What it does?

It's an easy way for you to write text messages into ethereum chain by sending a 0.0ETH transaction to yourself with a data input


Well, if you think about the history of humanity. Our ancient greeks engrave on rocks so that after thousands of years we can still learn about their life.

So, Maybe... (just maybe) the ethereum chain could be the rocks of our generation.

If you want to preserve your quotes, or lyrics you wrote, or just a message to someone in the future, you can use engrave to do that.

Also, I'm learning about web3 so I think it'd be fun to build this

Build with

  • Fleek - Deploy the front-end on IPFS
  • Hardhat - for the development of smart contract
  • Ethers - library to interact with Ethereum blockchain

Engrave smart contract

This project comes with a smart contract to stores transactions that users send to the chain using Engrave

By adding to this smart contract users can query all message they wrote using their wallet address

Currently this contract is deployed on:

Soon to be deployed:

  • Kovan
  • Rinkeby
  • Goerli
  • Ethereum Mainnet

The icon

Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com