
MODX TwitterX: This MODX extra loads Twitter feeds, statuses, lists and searches using the new (and very annoying) Twitter 1.1 API. You can download this package at MODX.com.

Primary LanguagePHP

TwitterX v1.4.0

This uses twitteroauth v3.1.0: https://github.com/abraham/twitteroauth for support for PHP 7.3 and 8.0+.

As twitteroauth only supports PHP versions that are actively supported, the next version of TwitterX will drop support for 7.3 and add support for 8.1. For more information, you can review the releases list at: https://github.com/abraham/twitteroauth/releases

This package loads Twitter feeds using the 1.1 API. You will need to create a Twitter app here:


Once you've created your new application you will need to generate tokens and use those tokens when you call the TwitterX snippet which will load your statuses:

Snippet TwitterX

This should be called uncached if you are using :ago in the chunk otherwise it can be cached.

[[!TwitterX? &twitter_consumer_key=aaaa &twitter_consumer_secret=bbbb &twitter_access_token=cccc &twitter_access_token_secret=dddd &limit=4 &timeline=user_timeline &chunk=TwitterXTpl &cache=7200 &screen_name=Qodo,Microsoft &include_rts=1 ]]

  • twitter_consumer_key - your twitter consumer token (REQUIRED)
  • twitter_consumer_secret - your twitter consumer secret (REQUIRED)
  • twitter_access_token - your twitter access token (REQUIRED)
  • twitter_access_token_secret - your twitter access token secret (REQUIRED)
  • limit - limit how many statuses to display (default: 5)
  • timeline - which twitter timeline to load (default: user_timeline, retweeted_by_me etc)
  • chunk - which chunk to load when rendering the statuses (default: TwitterXTpl)
  • cache - how many seconds to cache the twitter data feed (default: 7200)
  • screen_name - which user you want to load
  • include_rts - should this include retweets (default: 1)
  • cache_id - unique ID for caching in case you want to view multiple feeds or different feeds (default: TwitterX_PAGEID)
  • toPlaceholder - a placeholder ID if you want to use content as a placeholder instead of outputting directly (default: '')
  • toPlaceholderPrefix - if you want to prefix the placeholder values. E.g. 'twitterx' would create placeholders like [[*twitterx.text]] (default: '')
  • slug - for when loading a twitter list, you must specify a screen_name and a slug (default: '')

Loading timelines

As the 1.1 API is more restrictive the tweets available have changed. The snippet defaults to user_time line but you can load any of these:

  • public_timeline
  • public_timeline
  • friends_timeline
  • user_timeline
  • mentions
  • retweets_of_me
  • favourites

Loading lists ** New as of 1.3 **

You can now load lists by using the following:


An example of this would be the MODX List: https://twitter.com/modx/the-modx-team


Searching Twitter

TwitterX now supports basic Twitter searches using the &search parameter:


Snippet TwitterXFormat

Use this snippet in your chunk placeholders to format the status text and automatically link any search, usernames or topics:


Chunk options

The package comes with a chunk for displaying the statuses called 'TwitterXTpl'. You can customise this by using the following placeholders:

  • created_at - date status was created
  • source - source of the Tweet (application like web, iOS etc)
  • id - status id on timeline
  • id_str - status id on Twitter (twitter.com/user/statuses/id_str)
  • text - status main text
  • name - Twitter name
  • screen_name - Twitter username
  • profile_image_url - Twitter avatar image url for this user (uses https as of version 1.3.3)
  • location - This users location
  • url - This users URL (if specified)
  • description - This users profile information

Retweets (where applicable)

  • retweet_created_at - date status was created
  • retweet_source - source of the Tweet (application like web, iOS etc)
  • retweet_id - status id on timeline
  • retweet_id_str - status id on Twitter (twitter.com/user/statuses/id_str)
  • retweet_text - status main text
  • retweet_name - Twitter name
  • retweet_screen_name - Twitter username
  • retweet_profile_image_url - Twitter avatar image url for this user (uses https as of version 1.3.3)
  • retweet_location - This users location
  • retweet_url - This users URL (if specified)
  • retweet_description - This users profile information

Further info

For information and support, check out my blog:


Created by Stewart Orr @ Qodo Ltd (https://www.qodo.co.uk). Contributers: @sepiariver (http://www.sepiariver.ca), @OostDesign (http://www.oostdesign.com/), @scottborys (http://scottborys.com/), Dameon87 (https://github.com/Dameon87)