
The sample code to illustrate Macros and Rust compiler plugin conflicts

Primary LanguageRust

#Rust Macro and Compiler Plugin Conflicts

This project is to illustrate the macro and compiler plugin conflicts.

Projects Directory

The project is arranged as below:

  • src, source code that generate error
  • myplugin, the plugin code
  • myplugin/support, defines the macros used in the source code.

In the src/main.rs, it used the macros defined in myplugin/support. The extend! macro is used to add a field in the struct definition. The mark! macro is used to fill the added field in declaration.


The code compiles well, if the #[check] attribute is applied to the single function item. But if we use #![check] it failed with:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/main.rs:22:17
     22 |     let x:AA =  mark!(AA{x:32,});
        |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected struct `test_macro::AA`, found bool
              = note: expected type `test_macro::AA`
                            found type `bool`

                            error: aborting due to previous error

                            error: Could not compile `fine-unsafe`.

The reason of the code is originated from the code in myplugin/src/lib.rs, it use fold (src/libsyntax/fold.rs) to iterate over the items of the ast tree. It fails to extend the macros successfully.

fn fold_expr(&mut self, e: P<Expr>) -> P<Expr> {
    //ok with the original
    //e.map(|e| fold::noop_fold_expr(e, self))

    match e.unwrap() {
        //This expression cause error
        e@Expr {node: ExprKind::Mac(_), ..} => {
            let expanded = self.cx.expander().fold_expr(P(e));
        e => P(fold::noop_fold_expr(e,self)),