Build Week Javascript Fundamentals

This assignment will help you practice couple of Javascript fundamentals such as advanced arrays and classes. We shortened the assignment so that you can focus on your build week project.


You will notice there are two JavaScript files being brought into the index.html file. Each of those files contain JavaScript problems you need to solve. If you get stuck on something, skip over it and come back to it later.

In meeting the minimum viable product (MVP) specifications listed below, you should have a console full of correct responses to the problems given.

Task 1 - Project Set up

Follow these steps to set up and work on your project: Make sure you clone the branch that the TK links to: the next branch, NOT main!

  • Create a forked copy of this project.
  • Add GL/Instructor as collaborator on Github.
  • Clone your OWN version of Repo (Not Gabi's by mistake!).
  • Create a new Branch on the clone: git checkout -b <firstName-lastName>.
  • Create a pull request before you start working on the project requirements. You will continuously push your updates throughout the project.
  • You are now ready to build this project with your preferred IDE
  • Implement the project on your Branch, committing changes regularly.
  • Push commits: git push origin <firstName-lastName>.

Task 2 - Minimum Viable Product

Your finished assignment must include all of the following requirements:

Pro tip for this Assignment: If something seems like it isn't working locally, copy and paste your code up to codepen and take another look at the console.

Task A: Objects and Arrays

Test your knowledge of advanced array methods.

Task B: Classes

Test your knowledge on how build classes in Javascript.

  • Use the classes.js link to get started. Read the instructions carefully!

In your solutions, it is essential that you follow best practices and produce clean and professional results.

Submission Format

Follow these steps for completing your assignment:

  • Submit a Pull-Request to merge Branch into main (student's Repo).
  • Add your group lead as a Reviewer on the Pull-request
  • GL/Instructor then will count the HW as done by merging the branch back into main.