
Package for working with Excel

Primary LanguageC#

Hi its my first package for C#.

It's a small package for working with Excel files. Which simplifies the process of reading and creating excel files.

1. Read file.

For reading excel files package, has class Open with some methods.

Example :

FullName prop1 prop2 prop3
Khamraev Akbar 1 2 0
Aliev Alisher 2 4 22
Valiev Vali 1 5 -2

You have Excel file with this data and you have to save FullName,prop1,prop2,prop3 to your db.

With this package you can get data from file with 2 lines of code.

1.Excel.Open excelFile = new Excel.Open(pathToFile); // For initialize class
2.List<ExampleType> data =  excelFile.toList<ExampleType>(1); // For getting data

So how it's works?

In first line we create instance of Excel.Open class and give one argument, its path to file on your machine. Constructor also can take second (not required) argument isCurrentDirectory(default = true) which need to indicate what we works with file on current directory or not.

In second line takes data from file. By using Excel.Open's method toList()

List<T> toList<T>(int row = 0, int colomn = 1,int WorksheetsIndex = 0)

Method takes e (not required) arguments :

  • row(0) = need to set from what row you want to read
  • colomn(1) = need to set from what colomn you want to read
  • WorksheetsIndex(0) need to set from which workshet read data

By the way class ExampleType looks like this

public class ExampleType
    public string FullName { get; set; }
    public int prop1 { get; set; }
    public int prop2 { get; set; }
    public int prop3 { get; set; }

Class also has method ParseTo

 T RowTo<T>(int row = 0, int colomn = 1,int WorksheetsIndex = 0)

Which parse one row to obj(T)

End indexer

 string this[int row, int column]

What's return value of current cell

2. Create file

There are 3 ways to create Excel file

  • byte[] Build(Action result)
  • void Build(Action result, string path)
  • FileContentResult Excel(this ControllerBase obj, Action result,string fileName = "file")

To example I will use third method whats return file content on Asp.Net Core application So lets create excel file with data like in example in top.

    public IActionResult Index()
        List<ExampleType> list = new List<ExampleType>(...); 
        return  this.Excel(e => {
            var firstWorkSheet = e.addWorkSheet("workSheetName");

Thats all you need to to do, or you can do more shotly

    public IActionResult Index()
        List<string> headers = new List<sting>(){"FullName","prop1,"prop2","prop3"};
        List<ExampleType> list = new List<ExampleType>(...); 
        return this.Excel(e => e.addWorkSheet("workSheetName").AddHeaders(headers).AddLoop(list));
methods desc args(required) args(not required)
indexer set value to cell int row, int column
indexer set value to cells int row, int column, int row2, int column2
AddHeaders Add bold text to cells T[] headersList int colomn = 1, int row = 0, ExcelHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left, bool isBold = true, int fontSize = 12
AddMergedHeaders Add merged headers string[] valueIndexArr, int step int row = 0, int colomn = 0, ExcelHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center, bool isBold = true, int fontSize = 12
AddLoop Add your List to file List list int colomn = 1, int row = 0
AddLoopVertical Add your List to file(vertical) List list int colomn = 1, int row = 0