Yet another unofficial client cli interface
It supports the new (undocumented) raw TCP protocol for better accuracy.
Best server discovery based on speed and distance from you.
Line type discovery to select the best test profile based on your line speed.
Aggressive multi-threading program in order to saturate your bandwidth quickly.
Test supported: Ping / Jitter / Download speed / Upload speed / Packet loss (UDP).
Provide a URL to the share results image using option --share
- A modern C++ compiler
- cmake
- libcurl
- libssl
$ brew install cmake
$ cd cmake_build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ make install
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev cmake
$ git clone
$ cd SpeedTest
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
$ sudo make install
$ sudo zypper install cmake gcc-c++ libcurl-devel libopenssl-devel git
$ git clone
$ cd SpeedTest
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
$ sudo make install
$ ./SpeedTest --help
SpeedTest++ version 1.8 command line interface
Author: Francesco Laurita <>
Usage: ./SpeedTest [--latency] [--quality] [--download] [--upload] [--share] [--help]
[--test-server host:port] [--quality-server host:port] [--output verbose|text]
optional arguments:
--help Show this message and exit
--latency Perform latency test only
--quality Perform quality test only. It includes latency test
--download Perform download test only. It includes latency test
--upload Perform upload test only. It includes latency test
--share Generate and provide a URL to the share results image
--test-server host:port Run speed test against a specific server
--quality-server host:port Run line quality test against a specific server
--output verbose|text Set output type. Default: verbose
SpeedTest++ is available as open source program under the terms of the MIT License.