
Bot Menu


Here is one of the bots I made for NiftyGateway. It is probably not working anymore because they might have changed some endpoints but it's an easy fix. Sorry if the code is a bit messy but it was a script for personal use!

You can get the bot to run the menu by doing:

  1. Make sure to have python3

  2. pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. python3

It will give you a token error if you try to choose a script because I used to have every user registered in my API for analytics purpuses.

I am mainly putting this code out for you to see the process of each scripts. Up to you to modify it.

That was a script to make your account look more legit by adding a picture and a bio.

Script to create accounts and check if some were already made or not

Script to check which NFTs were in your account

Made to delete the credit cards on the nifty accounts.

I had to make this script pretty fast because NiftyGateway added 2FA and I had to create a script to gather these codes and add them to a database because login tokens were valid for 30 days (something like that)

Script to add credit cards to nifty accounts

Here is all the magic ! That is where I would have a module for first come first serve and raffle. 2 different functions in the same script

Every nifty account needed to be phone verified and sometimes numbers would expire from the SMS providers.

I think I was in the making of automating the process of reading the 2fa codes in the emails

This was used to phone verified your accounts by a 3rd party