
NodeJS Command Line Interface using instagram-private-api (https://github.com/huttarichard/instagram-private-api)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NodeJS Command Line Interface for Instagram API

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Commands


This is a command line developed to get the public information of someone's followers and export this data to a CSV file.

This application is build with the instagram-private-api (https://github.com/huttarichard/instagram-private-api)


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run npm install
  3. Change file name example.env to .env
  4. Replace data inside .env with the one of your Instagram user


  1. Help

To get information about the commands, run the application with:

node command.js --help

The response it would be a list with the command list that are implemented (See image below)

alt text

  1. Export followers data

To import the information to a csv file, run the application with:

node command.js exportData <instagramUsername>


node command.js e <instagramUsername>

Replace <instagramUsername> with the user that you want to get information about.

  1. Get my data

To get data about your personal account, run the application with:

node command.js myAccount


node command.js m

The response it would a JSON object in the Command Line with your data.