
An Eclipse Modeling Tools with ATL, Acceleo and Papyrus plugins inside a container

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Run Eclipse Oxygen 2 Modeling Tools with Acceleo, ATL and Papyrus plugins inside a container 🐳 !

Available tags


## Prerequisites

## Image configuration :

  • Based on Ubuntu 14.04
  • JDK 8
  • Eclipse Oxygen 2 Modeling Tools
    • Acceleo plugin
    • ATL plugin
    • Papyrus plugins
      • Papyrus SysML 1.4
      • Papyrus SDK
      • Papyrus BPMN
      • Papyrus ToolSmiths

## How to start ? I have simplified the startup as much as possible with a script. 👌


For the first startup you have to execute the following command to authorize the connexion of the X server between your machine and the container :

$ xhost +local:docker

After that, all you have to do is start the container with script provided for LINUX :

$ chmod +x run-eclipse-mt-jdk8.sh
$ ./run-eclipse-mt-jdk8.sh [tag_name]

You can precise the version of Eclipse with the parameter '[tag_name]', by default without the param, the tag name is the latest image built.

$ ./run-eclipse-mt-jdk8.sh oxygen


To use this image, you must have XQuartz installed on your machine. To install and launch XQuartz, see here : https://cntnr.io/running-guis-with-docker-on-mac-os-x-a14df6a76efc

XQuartz configuration

After that, all you have to do is start the container with script provided for MAC:

$ chmod +x run-eclipse-mt-jdk8-mac.sh
$ ./run-eclipse-mt-jdk8-mac.sh [tag_name] <IP_XQUARTZ>

You can precise the version of Eclipse with the parameter '[tag_name]', by default without the param, the tag name is the latest image built.

$ ./run-eclipse-mt-jdk8.sh oxygen

How it works ?

File sharing is done with volumes between your machine and the container, the 'docker run' command present in the script 'run-eclipse-mt-jdk8.sh' is in charge of that. The script create two directories inside your home to save your project workspace and the settings of Eclipse.

###################                              #####################
# User home local #                              #  Docker container #
###################                              #####################
/home/user/                                      /home/developer/
|-- eclipse-mt-jdk8-config/    <==shared with==> |-- .eclipse/ AND /opt/eclipse/configuration 
|-- eclipse-mt-jdk8-workspace/ <==shared with==> |-- eclipse-workspace/
|                                                |
...                                              ...

The docker run command used in the script is the following :

$ docker run \
  -e DISPLAY \
  -v  "$CONFIG_DIR /opt/eclipse/configuration" \
  -v  "$CONFIG_DIR /home/developer/.eclipse" \
  -v  "${HOME}/.Xauthority:/home/developer/.Xauthority" \
  -v  "$WORKSPACE_DIR:/home/developer/eclipse-workspace" \
  --rm -it --net=host qperez/eclipse-mt-jdk8:${TAG}

## How to create my own image ? You can create your own image of docker eclipse with these two files :

  • Dockerfile
  • build_install_eclipse.sh ➡️ Install Eclipse in the /opt directory, it's a workaround about the both behaviors of 'ADD' command with local and remote compressed file : moby/moby#2369

You can build your own image with a your local Eclipse (.tar.gz format) or with an URL to download Eclipse (.tar.gz).

Default build with Eclipse Modeling Oxygen 2

The command is the following :

$ docker build -t [image_name]:[tag_name] .

Build with a local image Eclipse

The command is the following :

$ docker build -t [image_name]:[tag_name] --build-arg URL_ECLIPSE=[directory .tar.gz eclipse] .

Build with an URL to download Eclipse

The command is the following :

$ docker build -t [image_name]:[tag_name] --build-arg URL_ECLIPSE=[url to download eclipse] .

End's memes :trollface:

Meme container Meme_container