
How to get up and running on local host

  • Head over to https://docs.couchbase.com/server/current/getting-started/do-a-quick-install.html and start up your couchbase server using the docker command. Once set up, delete the default travel bucket and make a new one named cars then create a primary index key by going to query and running: create primary index on cars using gsi;
  • clone the repo and run the command go run main.go
  • On postman, test out the API by sending a PUT to localhost:12345/car with the JSON body { "name": "Accord", "manufacturer": "Toyota", "year": "1999" }
  • Go back to your couchbaseDB and see the response in the documents section

How to get up and running with Docker

To network two containers together, they must be know each other's IP address or be able to use a known hostname. To map container names to hostnames, we can use a user-defined Docker network.

  • Build the image docker build -t go-web-app:latest .
  • Create a new bridge network docker network create --driver bridge couchbase
  • Stop and remove the previously started couchbase container. Restart it, but add --network couchbase to the quick start command.
  • Run docker run -it -p 12345:12345 --network couchbase go-web-app.
  • The Couchbase container has the name "db" which can be used as a hostname by the go-web-app pod. go-web-app only has a random ID as its hostname, but we don't need to reach it from inside the bridge. It's reachable at localhost:12345 on the host.

How to get up and running on AKS

  • Create your AKS Cluster
  • https://docs.couchbase.com/operator/current/install-kubernetes.html
  • Must follow these instructions if you create a new cluster ^ You have to run those commands wherever you downloaded those files
  • tar -xvzf couchbase-autonomous-operator-kubernetes_2.1.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz unzip and then cd into cd couchbase-autonomous-operator-kubernetes_2.1.0-linux-x86_64
  • You can then follow https://docs.couchbase.com/operator/current/install-kubernetes.html
  • Connect to your cluster
  • Deploy the couchbase.yaml and the deployment.yaml
  • Run kubectl port-forward service/cb-example 2121:8091 to access the DB UI
  • Create your Primary key on cars
  • Have fun with postman :)

How to get up and running with GH Actions