
React Context

  1. Theming -> use the Theme context to style App.js

  2. Add a Toogle button to the upper left corner

  3. When clicking this button, update the value of the ThemeContext.

  4. Create a new context called UserContext, it's first value will be: { username: undefined, isLoggedIn: false }

  5. Update your App.js main component to become a Provider for the UserContext that you defined

  6. Create a new Component: UserProfile simply displaying the username from UserContext

  7. Update the onSubmit method of your LoginForm, to update the user's status (first check if username and password are correct, then update isLoggedIn accordingly)

  8. Render your UserProfile component instead of LoginForm when the isLoggedIn is truthy.

React Suspense and React.Lazy

  1. Use React.lazy to split your LoginForm and UserProfile components
  2. Create an ImageLoading component, which shall display ./src/images/dale-waiting.gif
  3. Use Suspense to display <ImageLoading /> while the app is loading your splitted components.