
An IoT project to control light by authentication

Primary LanguagePython


NFCReader Installation

source nfcpy documentation

#### Install drivers

  • sudo apt install pcsc-tools pcscd
  • sudo apt install libpcsclite-dev
  • sudo apt install libpcsclite1
  • sudo apt install libusb-dev

Install libnfc

  • sudo apt install libnfc-bin libnfc-dev libnfc5

Test scan:

  • sudo pcsc_scan

pip installation

  • pip install nfcpy

#### blacklist

in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-libnfc.conf add:

blacklist nfc
blacklist pn533
blacklist pn533_usb
modprobe -r pn533_usb
modprobe -r pn533
modprobe -r nfc

sudo service restart pcscd

sense-hat Installation

sudo apt install sense-hat sudo reboot pip install sense-hat

paho mqtt installation

  • sudo apt install mosquitto mosquitto-clients

Il vous faudra créer un fichier de users mosquitto

mosquitto_passwd -c <passwordfile> <username> (username required to create the file)

add user and pwd: mosquitto_passwd -b <passwordfile> <user> <password>

delete user: mosquitto_passwd -D <passwordfile> <user>

copy the password file to /etc/mosquitto and update file mosquitto.conf

allow_anonymous false
password_file <path>

reload the mosquitto service to reload configuration file

###SQLite configuration

  • pip install pysqlite3 db-sqlite3

install nvm to run npm

  • npm create-react-app app .