A RESTful FileSystem API for NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Node FileSystem API

Node-FSAPI provides a RESTful (CRUD) server for interacting with remote file systems. It relies on GET (Read), POST (Create), PUT (Update), and DELETE (Delete) commands with a plain-language syntax.

Getting Started

FSAPI provides a single-file server.js node controller with 2 core dependencies - Restify and node-fs-extra. The file contains a config object which allows for easy configuration.


The server provides 3 levels of security:

  1. Key-Based: Each request requires a key be submitted in the URL
  2. IP Restrictions: Supports specific IP addresses and ranges using wildcards (*)
  3. HTTPS Support: Simply supplying a PEM-encoded key and certificate file will require HTTPS requests


The server uses a config object to easily setup how it will run:


The config.keys array simply contains a list of keys that get sent along with the request.

IP Restrictions

The config.ips array allows providing a list of allowed IP addresses and ranges. Several format examples are:

"*.*.*.*"      // Allow all IP's through
"192.168.*.*"  // Allow only IP's on the 192.168.(...) range to make requests
""  // Allow only the specific address to make requests

SSL Certificate

An SSL Certificate can be supplied by providing a PEM-encoded key and cert. Setting either or both of these properties to false results in no SSL.


The config.port property sets the server port to be used.

Base Directory

The config.base property sets the base (or root) directory where files will reside. This is relative to the server file.

Create Mode

The config.cmode sets the permissions that will be applied on file creation. Default is 0755.


Requests to the server are made via RESTful methods - GET, PUT, POST and DELETE. Below is a breakdown of the methods and their associated methods:

GET (Read)

Directory Listing

GET => {server}:{port}/{key}/dir/{path}

Read File

GET => {server}:{port}/{key}/file/{path}

POST (Create)

Create Directory

POST => {server}:{port}/{key}/dir/{path}

Create File

POST => {server}:{port}/{key}/file/{path}

Copy Directory or File

POST => {server}:{port}/{key}/copy/{path}

POST parameter destination required with the FULL detination path

PUT (Update)

Rename File or Directory

PUT => {server}:{port}/{key}/rename/{path}

PUT parameter name required with the new file or directory name (no path required)

Save Contents to File

PUT => {server}:{port}/{key}/save/{path}

PUT parameter data is required with the contents to be saved


Delete a File or Directory

DELETE => {server}:{port}/{key}/{path}


Authentication Failure

All authentication failures will result in an http 401 status (Not Authorized)

Success Response

On a successful request the server will respond with the following JSON formatted return:

  "status": "success",
  "data": "{any return data}"

Most successful responses will contain null for data.

Error Response

On an erroroneous request the server will respond with the following JSON formatted return:

  "status": "error",
  "code": "{3-digit error response code}",
  "message": "{brief explanation of error condition}",
  "raw": "{raw error message from node}"

Working with the Client Methods

The client.js file provides method for easily connecting to and interacting with the server.


Initially it is important to define the connection information, which is done through the following:

fsapi.config("http://yourserver:port", "api-key", {OPTIONAL - Bool 'Validate'});

The config process (with arguments) sets these values into localStorage (with Cookie fallback). There is a third argument validate which defaults to true. If set to false in the config call above the entire response from the server will be returned and must be parsed manually.

Calling fsapi.config() without arguments will return an object with the url and key. You can change either value individually using:

// Set new URL
fsapi.store('fsapiUrl', {new-value});

// Set new Key
fsapi.store('fsapiKey', {new-value});

Cleanup / Disconnect

To remove the key and url from localStorage simply call fsapi.disconnect();.


The following methods are natively available, but can easily be expanded upon:

// List Contents of Directory
fsapi.list(path, callback);

// Return Contents of File
fsapi.open(path, callback);

// Create a New File
fsapi.createFile(path, callback);

// Create a New Directory
fsapi.createDirectory(path, callback);

// Create a Copy of a File or Directory (recursive)
fsapi.copy(path, destination, callback);

// Move a File or Directory (Cut+Paste)
fsapi.move(path, destination, callback);

// Save Contents to a File
fsapi.save(path, contents, callback);

// Rename a File or Directory
fsapi.rename(path, new_name, callback);

// Delete a File or Directory
fsapi.delete(path, callback);

Callbacks for each method returns the response from the server (validated by default, see below) by passing in the res argument.


The fsapi validate method is used to parse the response from the server, this method is called by default unless changed in the fsapi.config method.


For a sucessful response this method will return boolean true, or in cases such as .list() and .open() will return the data from the response.

On error or failure, the response from .validate() will be boolean false.