- Unity plugin for make path animation in scene.
- Create path base on curve.
- Play animation base on path curve.
- Unity 5.0 or above.
- .Net Framework 3.0 or above.
BezierCurve : Define BezierCurve.
HermiteCurve : Hermite curve in three dimensional space.
EllipseCurve : Ellipse curve.
HelixCurve : Helix curve.
SinCurve : Sin curve.
CurvePath : Define path base on curve.
BezierPath : Define path base on cubic bezier curve.
HermitePath : Define curve path base on hermite curve.
CirclePath : Path base on circle curve.
EllipsePath : Path base on ellipse curve.
HelixPath : Path base on helix curve.
SinPath : Path base on sin curve.
CurvePathAnimation : Define animation base on curve path.
GenericEditor : Define generic editor.
CurvePathEditor : Editor for CurvePath.
BezierPathEditor : Editor for BezierPath.
HermitePathEditor : Editor for HermitePath.
CurvePathAnimationEditor : Editor for CurvePathAnimation.
- Demos in the path "MGS-PathAnimation/Scenes" provide reference to you.
- Bezier Path Editor
- Hermite Path Editor
- UI Animation
- Path Animation
- If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at mogoson@outlook.com.