
Ftp Sync plugin for HBuilderX

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FTP-Sync extension for HBuilderX

This extension allows you to easily synchronise your local workspace (project files) with an FTP server. It also has several advanced features such as automatic upload on save.

Demo of extension


There are four commands available. You can access them from the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows/Linux).

You can also sync a single file by right-clicking on it in the left menu and using the "Ftp-sync: Upload File" and "Ftp-sync: Download File" commands.

Ftp-sync: Init

Initializes a default FTP-Sync configuration file in the .ftp directory. Options can be customised as follows:

  • remotePath - This can be set to the path on the remote that you would like to upload to. The default is ./ i.e. the root.
  • host - The hostname of the FTP server you want to connect to.
  • username - The username of the FTP account you want to use.
  • password - The password of the FTP account you want to use.
  • port - The port on the FTP server you would like to connect to. The default is "21".
  • protocol - The FTP protocol to be used. The default is "ftp" but you can also specify "sftp".
  • uploadOnSave - Whether files should automatically be uploaded on save. The default is false.
  • passive - Specifies whether to use FTP passive mode. The default is false.
  • debug - Specifies whether to display debug information in an ftp-sync Output window. The default is false.
  • privateKeyPath - Specifies the path to the private key for SFTP. The default is null.
  • passphrase - Specifies the passphrase to use with the private key for SFTP. The default is null.
  • agent - Specifies the ssh-agent to use for SFTP. The default is null.
  • allow - An array of escaped regular expression strings specifying paths which are allowed. If nonempty, unless a path matches any of these regular expressions it will not be included in the sync. Default value is empty, implying everything is allowed.
  • ignore - An array of escaped regular expression strings specifying paths to ignore. If a path matches any of these regular expressions then it will not be included in the sync. Default values are "\\.git", "\\.vscode" and ".DS_Store".
  • generatedFiles: - Automatically upload freshly generated files. Also uploads files that are deleted. extensionsToInclude has to be set for this feature to work.
    • extensionsToInclude: [] e.g. [".js", ".css"] - Array of strings specifying what extensions to add for auto-upload. An empty array here means that generatedFiles feature is disabled. Setting it to [""] will cause it to upload files of all extensions.
    • path: "" - This specifies the path to the directory where the files are, [e.g.] "/build", default is "" which is the root workspace directory

To be added soon:

  • Config validation (add minimal configuration requirement)
  • Better connection error handling
  • More real life testing
  • Bug fixes
  • Context menu to sync folders (up/down)