
some test on ros c++ api

Primary LanguageC++


This repo include some test about ros c++ api using webots simulator, including follows:

  • diff controller
  • odom publisher
  • joint state publisher
  • robot state publisher, kdl tree
  • joint trajectory publish and subscribe
  • twist message publish and subscribe
  • ros image to opencv
  • fast keypoint detection


  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Ros melodic
  • Cmake 3.10.2
  • g++ 7.4.0
  • OpenCV 4.1.0
  • Webots R2019a


The folder 'ros_controller/src' include:

  • Motion controller
    • diff controller
    • odom publisher
    • twist message subscriber
  • Joint controller
    • joint state publisher
    • robot state publisher
    • joint trajectory subscriber
  • Motion test
    • twist message publisher
    • joint trajectory publisher
  • Cv test
    • ros image to opencv
    • FAST keypoint detection
  • URDF model

The folder 'cam_calibration' contains some tools for camera calibration, just copy from 'opencv/smaples/cpp'.

The folder 'webots' contains the robot simulation environment, including some worlds and webots controllers for test.

NOTICE: you should modify the path of URDF model in 'agent_joint_controller.cpp' so that it can find the model file.


  1. git clone this repo.

    git clone git@github.com:qqadssp/ros_test.git
    cd ros_test/ros_controller

  2. open a terminal.


  3. open webots, load one of the world in webots/worlds and run it.

  4. open four terminals.

    $rosrun vslam_agent_motion_controller agent_motion_controller
    $rosrun vslam_agent_joint_controller agent_joint_controller
    $rosrun motion_test motion_test
    $rosrun cv_test cv_test