Gearbox credit account mining UI

Welcome to Credit Accoung Mining!

This ceremony is dedicated to distirbuting GEAR in the hands of early degens and tech-savvy memnbers from other protocols’ governance systems. 5,000 Credit Accounts to mine. 55,000+ eligible wallets. 2.4M in gas costs to deploy each one. In total 5% GEAR distributed. Become one of the early DAO members & decide the future of composable leverage 2.0! FCFS.

Find all the info:

UI for this ceremony:

GEAR token: AccountMining:


  1. Git
  2. Node.js > 14.9
  3. Yarn (optional)

How to install

  1. Clone repository: git clone
  2. cd credit-account-mining
  3. Install required packages:npm install or yarn
  4. Rename .env.sample to .env. This file already has correct settings.
  5. Run dev server npm run dev or yarn dev
  6. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser
  7. Follow the instructions