Dummy installation

This is repo is forked from Zoom-Clone-With-WebRTC and here is the tutorial video.
Since I want to deploy this application and access it by IP address or domain name instead of loaclhost, I found this issue. After a little bit of modification, it works.

Tested on ubuntu-mate 18.04 x86_64, VM Player and windows 10, baremetal.


  • Of course clone this repo:
    git clone https://github.com/WebDevSimplified/Zoom-Clone-With-WebRTC
  • Install nodejs and npm
    It's recommanded to use nodejs 10.x or higher. nodejs LTS(12.x) is selected here.
    For windows user, please refer: official download page.
    sudo apt-get update
    # in case you don't have them
    sudo apt-get install curl
    curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash - # this is for 64 bit machine
    sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  • Packages of nodejs
    It's recommanded that windows user run these commands as administrator to prevent some magic bugs.
    npm install
    npm install --save-dev nodemon


If you want to use this application via IP address or domain name instead of localhost, this step is necessary. Since most of browsers block media(such as webcam) accessing from unsecure connections, we have to deploy this application with HTTPS. This repo comes with the key I generated. You can use it if you don't have openssl installed. Yet it's recommanded to generate your own key.
Here are commands using openssl to generate a key and certificate:

For windows user, openssl is a built-in command in MINGW64 git-bash. For Linux user, just run these commands in termial.

# install openssl if you don't have it
sudo apt-get install openssl
# generate a key
openssl genrsa -out server-key.pem

# this step will probably ask you to input the information of the signature,
# such as country, company name, etc
openssl req -new -key server-key.pem -out csr.pem

# generate a certificate
openssl x509 -req -days 9999 -in csr.pem -signkey server-key.pem -out server-cert.pem

# optional: we dont need this, but I think it's okay to keep it
rm csr.pem

Run it

sudo npm run devStart

And you can enter


in your borwser. It's likely to have a warning NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID or somthing like that. For Chrome, just click Advance, Continue...
It will automatically generate a uuid and redirect you to your chatting room. For anyone want to join you, you can just share the url of your chatting room.