
vite + react + ts + redux template

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



vite + react + ts + redux template


git clone git@github.com:qqxs/react-antd-typescript-starter.git

cd react-antd-typescript-starter

pnpm install


# 安装项目依赖
# only allow pnpm
pnpm install

# 开启开发环境react 编译
# start development environment
pnpm run dev

# 开始编译生产环境
# production environment
pnpm run build

# 开始编译生产环境并输出分析
# production environment analyzer
pnpm run analyzer

# 对部分不符合eslint 语法进行修复
# 注意⚠️: 不是所有的错误都会修复,部分还是要手动修复
# eslint fix code
pnpm run fix

# 进行eslint语法检查, 如果有错会在控制中指出
# eslint lint code
pnpm run lint

# 使用prettier 代码进行格式化
# prettier format code
pnpm run fmt

# test
pnpm run test

# 首先要安装nginx镜像
# docker nginx deploy
# http://localhost:8000
docker-compose up -d


├── assets      # @/assets/xxx assets source
│   ├── FE.png
│   └── react.svg
├── components  # @/components common components
│   ├── Auth    # auth
│   ├── ErrorBoundary  # ErrorBoundary
│   └── Layout  # layout
├── constant    # @/constant constant
├── hooks       # @/hooks
│   └── redux.ts # redux hook
├── main.tsx    # entry
├── services    # @/services  api
├── pages       # pages
│   ├── error   # error page
│   ├── home    # home page
│   ├── login   # login page
│   └── register # register page
├── router.tsx  # router tree
├── sentry.ts   # sentry config
├── store       # redux store
│   ├── index.ts
│   └── reducer
├── styles
│   ├── antd-theme.scss # antd theme
│   └── theme.scss  # custom theme
├── utils
│   ├── Axios.ts   # axios
│   └── auth.ts
└── vite-env.d.ts



Place custom components under src/components


如果需要修改antd5 主题,请更改src/styles/antd-theme.scss文件

If it is necessary to modify the antd5 theme, Please modify the src/styles/antd-theme.scssfile.

如果使用less, 请安装 less-vars-to-js 按照下面 👇 代码自行调试。

If using less, please install less-vars-to-js According to the following 👇 Code self debugging.

import lessToJs from 'less-vars-to-js';
import { lowerCamel } from '@skax/camel';
import fs from 'fs';

 * less 变量转成 json 格式 (更改 antd 主题样式更新需要重启)
 * Convert the less variable to JSON format
 * @example
 * ```less
 *   $color-primary: #00b96b;
 *   $border-radius: 2px;
 * ```
 * ```js
 * lessVar2JSON()  //  -> {"colorPrimary": "#00b96b", "borderRadius": "2px"}
 * ```
 * @returns {Object}
function lessVar2JSON() {
  // Read the less file in as string
  const paletteLess = fs.readFileSync('./src/styles/antd-theme.less', 'utf-8');
  // Pass in file contents
  const palette = lessToJs(paletteLess, {
    resolveVariables: true,
    stripPrefix: true,

  return Object.keys(palette).reduce((pre, cur) => {
    pre[lowerCamel(cur, '-')] = palette[cur];
    return pre;
  }, {});
export default lessVar2JSON;


gin_serve api


vite.config.ts中开启OPEN_SENTRY=true, 并在src/sentry.tsx 中配置 __DSN__