
Sudomy is a subdomain enumeration tool, created using a bash script, to analyze domains and collect subdomains in fast and comprehensive way . Report output in HTML or CSV format

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Subdomain Enumeration & Analysis


Sudomy is a subdomain enumeration tool, created using a bash script, to analyze domains and collect subdomains in fast and comprehensive way.

Features !

For recent time, Sudomy has these 12 features:
  • Easy, light, fast and powerful. Bash script is available by default in almost all Linux distributions. By using bash script multiprocessing feature, all processors will be utilized optimally.
  • Subdomain enumeration process can be achieved by using active method or passive method
    • Active Method

      • Sudomy utilize Gobuster tools because of its highspeed performance in carrying out DNS Subdomain Bruteforce attack (wildcard support). The wordlist that is used comes from combined SecList (Discover/DNS) lists which contains around 3 million entries
    • Passive Method

      • By selecting the good third-party sites, the enumeration process can be optimized. More results will be obtained with less time required. Sudomy can collect data from these well-curated 16 third-party sites:

  • Test the list of collected subdomains and probe for working http or https servers. This feature uses a third-party tool, httprobe.
  • Subdomain availability test based on Ping Sweep and/or by getting HTTP status code.
  • The ability to detect virtualhost (several subdomains which resolve to single IP Address). Sudomy will resolve the collected subdomains to IP addresses, then classify them if several subdomains resolve to single IP address. This feature will be very useful for the next penetration testing/bug bounty process. For instance, in port scanning, single IP address won’t be scanned repeatedly
  • Performed port scanning from collected subdomains/virtualhosts IP Addresses
  • Testing Subdomain TakeOver attack
  • Taking Screenshotsof subdomains
  • Identify technologies on websites
  • Data Collecting/Scraping open port from 3rd party (Default::Shodan), For right now just using Shodan [Future::Censys,Zoomeye]. More efficient and effective to collecting port from list ip on target [[ Subdomain > IP Resolver > Crawling > ASN & Open Port ]]
  • Collecting & Extract URL Parameter
  • Report output in HTML or CSV format

How Sudomy Works

Sudomy is using cURL library in order to get the HTTP Response Body from third-party sites to then execute the regular expression to get subdomains. This process fully leverages multi processors, more subdomains will be collected with less time consumption.



The following are the results of passive enumeration DNS testing of Sublist3r, Subfinder, and Sudomy. The domain that is used in this comparison is bugcrowd.com.

Sudomy Subfinder Sublister

Asciinema :


Sudomy is currently extended with the following tools. Instructions on how to install & use the application are linked below.

Tools License Info
Gobuster Apache License 2.0 not mandatory
httprobe Tom Hudson - mandatory
nmap GNU General Public License v2.0 not mandatory

To Download Sudomy From Github

# Clone this repository
git clone --recursive https://github.com/screetsec/Sudomy.git


$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Sudomy requires jq to run and parse. Information on how to download and install jq can be accessed here

# Linux
apt-get update
apt-get install jq nmap phantomjs golang npm
npm i -g wappalyzer

# Mac
brew cask install phantomjs 
brew install jq nmap go npm
npm i -g wappalyzer

If you already have a Go environment, then follow this instruction:

Add the following lines to ~/.bashrc (Of your user)

nano ~/.bashrc
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
source ~/.bashrc

Then Install the dependencies

go get -u github.com/tomnomnom/httprobe 
go get -u github.com/OJ/gobuster

Running in a Docker Container

# Pull an image from DockerHub
docker pull screetsec/sudomy:v1.1.2

# Run an image, you can run the image on custom directory but you must copy/download config sudomy.api on current directory
docker run -v "${PWD}/output:/usr/lib/sudomy/output" -v "${PWD}/sudomy.api:/usr/lib/sudomy/sudomy.api" -it --rm screetsec/sudomy:v1.1.0 [argument]

or define variable when execute

docker run -v "${PWD}/output:/usr/lib/sudomy/output" -e "SHODAN_API=xxxx" -e "VIRUSTOTAL=xxxx" -it --rm screetsec/sudomy:v1.1.2 [argument]

Post Installation

API Key is needed before querying on third-party sites, such as Shodan, Censys, SecurityTrails, Virustotal, and BinaryEdge.

  • The API key setting can be done in sudomy.api file.
# Shodan
# URL :  http://developer.shodan.io
# Example :
#      - SHODAN_API="VGhpc1M0bXBsZWwKVGhmcGxlbAo"


# Censys
# URL : https://censys.io/register


# Virustotal
# URL : https://www.virustotal.com/gui/

# Binaryedge
# URL : https://app.binaryedge.io/login

# SecurityTrails
# URL : https://securitytrails.com/


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                          |__/ v{1.1.2#dev} by @screetsec
Sud⍥my - Fast Subdmain Enumeration and Analyzer

Usage: sud⍥my.sh [-h [--help]] [-s[--source]][-d[--domain=]]

Example: sud⍥my.sh -d example.com
         sud⍥my.sh -s Shodan,VirusTotal -d example.com
         sud⍥my.sh -pS -rS -sC -nT -sS -d example.com

Optional Arguments:
  -a,  --all             Running all Enumeration, no nmap & gobuster 
  -b,  --bruteforce      Bruteforce Subdomain Using Gobuster (Wordlist: ALL Top SecList DNS) 
  -d,  --domain          domain of the website to scan
  -h,  --help            show this help message
  -o,  --html            Make report output into HTML 
  -s,  --source          Use source for Enumerate Subdomain
  -aI, --apps-identifier Identify technologies on websites from domain list
  -dP, --db-port         Collecting port from 3rd Party default=shodan
  -eP, --extract-params  Collecting port from 3rd Party default=shodan
  -tO, --takeover        Subdomain TakeOver Vulnerabilty Scanner
  -pS, --ping-sweep      Check live host using methode Ping Sweep
  -rS, --resolver        Convert domain lists to resolved IP lists without duplicates
  -sC, --status-code     Get status codes, response from domain list
  -nT, --nmap-top        Port scanning with top-ports using nmap from domain list
  -sS, --screenshot      Screenshots a list of website
  -nP, --no-passive      Do not perform passive subdomain enumeration 
       --no-probe        Do not perform httprobe 

To use all 16 Sources and Probe for working http or https servers:

$ sudomy -d hackerone.com

To use one or more source:

$ sudomy -s shodan,dnsdumpster,webarchive -d hackerone.com

To use one or more plugins:

$ sudomy -pS -sC -sS -d hackerone.com

To use all plugins: testing host status, http/https status code, subdomain takeover and screenshots.

Nmap,Gobuster and wappalyzer Not Included.

$ sudomy --all -d hackerone.com

To create report in HTML Format

$ sudomy --all -d hackerone.com --html

HTML Report Sample:

Dashboard Reports
Index f

Tools Overview

  • Youtube Videos : Click here



All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

Credits & Thanks