
easy qri building & installation

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qri install

This repo is the entry point to the qri universe. Qri has a lot moving parts, and spans multiple repositories. The purpose of qri_install is to make it easy to pull everything together for the purposes of producing a full build and other related tasks.


  • performing full builds
  • updating all repositories at once
  • continuous builds & tests
  • comprehensive documentation tests


qri_build enables an easy way to build qri targets. These include:

  • electron frontend app
    • Qri.app
    • dmg for Mac OSX
    • TODO: windows installer
    • TODO: linux
  • webapp
    • publicly accessible app.qri.io
    • standard fallback app (/ipns/webapp)
    • TODO: non-minified webapp
  • qri backend: the command-line qri
  • homebrew tap

TODO(dlong): Where do build output artifacts go to?

Creating a changelog

  1. Make sure you have "conventional-changelog" installed. If not, get it with npm add -g conventional-changelog-cli

  2. cd to the project directory, run: conventional-changelog -p angular -i CHANGELOG.md -s

    This will auto generate a changelog against the previous version. CHANGELOG.md is the input file, and the -s flag indicates we should append to the beginning of the changelog, not save over the file

  3. Draft a set of release notes, add these to the beginning of the CHANGELOG.md file, following the format that has already been established

  4. Commit the changelog in this format: chore(changelog): add X.X.X release notes


This is deprecated. TODO(dlong): Add steps for Qri Desktop

To build the electron Qri.app:

qri_build electron --frontend ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/qri-io/frontend --qri ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/qri-io/qri

This will build a qri binary, place the binary in the correct location, and build the qri electron app.

TODO(dlong): Should we support building just the electron app without the backend? Even if not, error when --qri is not provided needs to be improved.

To build and publish a signed Mac OSX installer:

qri_build electron --frontend ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/qri-io/frontend --qri ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/qri-io/qri --publish

This builds a dmg installer including the app, signs it with developer credentials, and pushes it to github as a draft release.

Be aware that the process will need access to your keychain, you may need to input your password for each time you have to sign a different part of the application.

Qri backend command-line

cd ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/qri-io/qri_install
qri_build qri --qri ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/qri-io/qri \
 --templates qri_build/templates \
 --platforms darwin,linux,windows \
 --arches 386,amd64,arm

outputs to current directory as qri_darwin_amd64.zip, etc