
DevOps tools Installation scripts for Ubuntu 20 LTS

Primary LanguageShell


DevOps tools Installation scripts for Ubuntu 20 LTS

to install any software we need to configure few things like:

installing prerequisites like python for ansible, jdk 17 for jenkins etc

configuring variables like setting javahome directory of setting Jenkina home directory or few other environment variables

downloading and putting the file in correct path it can be in /bin or whatever folder they said in documentation

creating user and password , setting some gpg keys

creating a directory and giving correct set of permissions to the user to access the directory.

instead of configuring all these details we can use the shell script like docker provides at get.docker.com


easiest way is to use package Manager like apt for debian , yum for amazon Linux and CentOS, dnf for fedora , PKG for freebsd alma Rocky etc.

however sometimes package manager doesn't have the latest updated version.

I was working on awscli and few commands were not running and the apt package manager said it is the latest version , when I compared the version on AWS docs the newer version was released long back so it's better to check the docs and follow the steps to download the lts or whatever version we may require.

another way is to use docker images. which doesn't require any environment preparation we only need docker installed.