
An investigation into J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst's novel, S.


An investigation by Quinn Rohlf into J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst's novel, "S.""

In-Universe Perspective

In files other than this one, I am adopting an in-universe perspective for writing about "S.", since it would otherwise be too confusing to have to distinguish between the levels of fiction inherent in having fictional present-day readers, a fictional author and translator, and the fictional characters of VMS found in the SOT text.

This perspective means that through my notes I'll effectively be retracing the steps of Eric and Jennifer the same way that they were retracing the steps of FXC and Straka. If Eric and Jennifer's marginalia represents the metanarrative of their investigation into Straka's life, this repository represents the metametanarrative of my investigation into their lives.



Refers to an object found between pages of "S.". Such items will be referenced by half-page numbers (i.e. an object found between pages 190 and 191 will be referenced as 190.5)


Refers to the fictional author V.M. Straka


Refers to Straka's fictional translator


Refers to the text of the novel attributed to V.M. Straka, Ship Of Theseus and translated by FXC. Includes foreword and FXC footnotes.


Refers to the fictional character S. from Ship Of Theseus.


Refers to the novel titled "S." written by J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst, including all artifacts, marginalia, etc.

the Symbol

Refers to the calligraphic "S" (depicted on 14 in the text of Ship of Theseus)


This investigation is structured similarly to how "S." is written. Each individual commit represents one pass through the novel by me, similar to the way that Eric and Jennifer's notes represent passes through the novel.