Turbo Chatroom + Turbo Chatroom Admin companion app

Turbo Chatroom app


  • Added debugging gems (awesome_print, pry)
  • Fixed seeds.rb (missing required username attribute on User model)
  • Added gems: sidekiq, sidekiq-scheduler
  • Added app/workers/update_message_event_worker.rb Worker. This worker is fired periodically using sidekiq-scheduler. Worker handles incoming events coming from Turbo Chatroom Admin app via Redis Streams, then - it updates frontend (removes message from the UI using broadcast/Turbo Streams).
  • Dockerized application to be able to easily run multiple services at once

Turbo Chatroom Admin app


  • Created new Rails application and added some basic tools (pry, sidekiq, sidekiq-scheduler, tailwindcss)
  • Created messages controller with messages being sent functionality
  • Created messages list - we can see last messages, new ones comming from Turbo Chatroom app are being added to the end of the list. It was achieved using broadcast/Turbo Streams.
  • Receiving new messages from the Turbo Chatroom app was achieved using Redis Streams + sidekiq + sidekiq-scheduler. Main file to this is located here: app/workers/receive_messages_event_worker.rb.
  • Added ability/button to hide messages - it will gray out and strikethrough hidden message on the list.
  • Notification/event about hiding message is propagated through Redis Streams (from MessagesController) to Turbo Chatroom app.
  • Added devise gem. Added form/ability to login/logout to the application. Admin role is checked before logging in (app/controllers/users/sessions_controller.rb).
  • Dockerized application to be able to easily run multiple services at once

How to run both applications

  • docker-compose build
  • docker-compose up

How to use Rails Console

  • docker-compose exec turbo_chatroom_web bundle exec rails c
  • docker-compose exec turbo_chatroom_admin_web bundle exec rails c